Two Factor Security

Fundamental and basic is having a PIN on the phone.

Thereā€™s a bloke down the market can unlock em for a tenner, so, no

I am skeptical. Up-to-date phones, lock screens canā€™t be cracked. Your market due could be wiping them to ā€˜factory freshā€™ - but that doesnā€™t count, because the data is wiped.

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Itā€™s a real thing. Get out a bit, most small towns have these dodgy places.
Also many people donā€™t treat their phone pin with the same level of security they do their bank pin.

I really cannot see any argument against. If itā€™s really that unnecessary to have any layer of security to access the app, then why not strip out these options on the iOS version too?

I donā€™t doubt dodgy places exist; what I doubt is that they can unlock all phones.

That they can unlock some, the lesson is that people should apply their security updates.

The rest of the time, they can Iā€™m sure wipe a phone to make it usable - but thatā€™s not the same as unlocking.

In any case, youā€™ll be pleased to know that Monzo, as part of the whole SCA changes thing, are planning to update the app so that PIN locking will be an option on Android as well. See : Sneak Peek: Updated App Lock - #40 by Jami


No they canā€™t unlock ALL phones iā€™m sure.

Thank god for that, I was just pricing up a small lockbox to carry my phone round in

Out of curiosity, what phone do you have?

If I had a million dollar empire, Iā€™d be more than happy to put money in Monzo. Itā€™s a proper bank folks, if weā€™re all OCD about Monzo security then change banksā€¦simple! Look after your phone, pin lock it and keep it safe.

Iā€™m worried that this thread is in Business Banking. What of us schmucks without a Business Account?

OK, to be fair, Iā€™m more worried that someone with a Business Account doesnā€™t have good security setup on their phone. Biometric/PIN(password), and 2FA should put enough of a block in the path of any would be charlatan. A third piece of hardware adds no additional security, just the illusion of it.

Know how you have to take your shoes off when you fly? Ever realised that not every airport does it? False security, itā€™s an illusion.

Iā€™ve just tried this - it will ask for a PIN to verify change to the reference, or if you have touch/face ID enabled, it will ask for that instead.


What those people mean by unlock is carrier unlock. Theyā€™ll have you open your phone so they can unlock it from your carrier.

Trust me, the guy with the corner stand cannot ā€˜unlockā€™ your phones security.


If the FBI pay upwards of $1m to unlock a phone, the bloke at your market canā€™t do it for a tenner.

Unlocking the carrier is very different to unlocking a phoneā€™s encryption.

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yeah, they can.

Ok, well They could create a new payee with same name but different bank details then delete your existing one.

Oh and so cute how you can say the simplest thing in criticism of monzo and everyone gets all defensive over them. :revolving_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

monzo is great, but this is a big hole in the security, which is why they have now confirmed they are plugging it

Itā€™s not that people are defensive, itā€™s just your arguments make no sense

SCA requires authentication every 90 days, thatā€™s why itā€™s changing. Would the regulator have allowed their security as it has been for years if it wasnā€™t safe?


Not seen a troll like this here before.

Time to mash that MUTE option!

Prove it.


Just tried this aswell - so yes, someone with access to your Monzo account could legitimately edit one of your contact payee details. (You can add a new bank, then delete the existing one)

But that wonā€™t affected any existing or scheduled regular payments, and you still have to pin/biometrically verify the payment before it goes through - and you still have the opportunity to verify the details are correct before this happens.

But if that is a true concern, a PIN or biometric lock on the app would prevent someone from having access to do this.

Look guys, itā€™s fine they are fixing this massive hole, Iā€™m not that worried any more so long as itā€™s quick. Iā€™m happy not quite ā€œstanā€ happy yet though :+1::slightly_smiling_face: