(Hugo Cornejo)
9 May 2017 15:29
Hi everybody,
Really quick sneak peek of something I think many of you will love. A quick link to the amazing Travelling with Monzo wikis baked right inside the “Welcome abroad” message so you can read it right away.
This is just a first step to make all this great content available to more Monzonauts. As always, I’d love any feedback
(Colin Robinson)
9 May 2017 15:36
Might be useful to have some way of getting to it before you go abroad?
(Hugo Cornejo)
9 May 2017 15:39
Yeah, I think that’d be version 2
We’re revamping the FAQ and other informational stuff so we will probably make this available from there too.
1 Like
(Colin Robinson)
9 May 2017 15:40
You just need some of them psychic crystal balls so you can tell I’m going on holiday before I even know it
@hugo I wrote a relevant post in time it took you post this - you must have been reading my mind
Welcome Home with some suggestions
1 Like
I’m leaving to go to amsterdam next wednesday, any chance a v1 will be live or anyway to access this info by then?
Thanks a lot!!
(Alex Sherwood)
9 May 2017 16:29
Yes you can view the tips for the Netherlands in this post
This is a wiki crowdsourced by the Monzo Community to help you travel with Monzo.
Just like Wikipedia, anyone can edit it to help out others. If you have any tips or feedback for visiting The Netherlands with Monzo, please feel free to edit this guide. You can also add a comment or question below — someone will then incorporate your comment into the main text below and then delete your comment. To create your own “Monzo in …” guide if one doesn’t already exist, just copy this template into a ne…
The Travelling with Monzo posts are the posts that’ll be picked up in these notifications.
(Mike Fuller)
11 May 2017 08:28
Hi @hugo - looks good. I particularly like the double ~ symbol as this keeps the top section nice and clean. Could an approximate sum in local currency also appear next to the balance when overseas? e.g.
£156.23 ~ €185
(Alex Sherwood)
11 May 2017 08:31
FYI Hugo’s answered that here -
I’m always on the fence about doing that. As balances get bigger we could be in a situation where we tell you that your balance is 1,000€, then you buy a one-grand laptop and two days later (when the transaction settles) the exchange rate has changed a bit and it actually was 1,020€, so now your balance is -20€. It feels somehow “wrong” if you know what I mean
(Martin )
11 May 2017 09:39
Suggestion - could the welcome screen also give info about which ATM’s charge/don’t charge in the relevant country?
(Alex Sherwood)
11 May 2017 09:40
Yes, the new Wiki posts (see Hugo’s original post for this topic) will include info about ATMs, here’s the template -
This is a template to copy and paste when creating new travel guides for using Monzo abroad. You can add or remove sections as needed, but please follow the general flow. The Monzo in Lebanon guide is a good example. Countries flags can be copied from here . Copy from below this paragraph. Enjoy!
This is a wiki crowdsourced by the Monzo Community to help you travel with Monzo.
Just like Wikipedia, anyone can edit it to help out others. If you have any tips or feedback for vi…
Integration with other apps such as Google Trips or Tripit. (They read your emails and automatically categorise booking emails into their respective apps)
(Hugo Cornejo)
8 June 2017 15:35
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