Today we’re launching Monzo Investments 🎉

Isn’t the projection graph misleading (perhaps dangerously so to people clueless about investing)?

The possible range is clearly shown to only be positive growth. If people start investing and their totals drop over time, it will not be a good image for Monzo.


That’s the case with all investment graphs, they all assume an increase - and whether it’s a good image for Monzo or not, is caveated probably in some text saying it’s an illustration, and all investments can lose money etc. etc.


I was 8,092 and mine came through about 30 minutes ago


I just set my account up and I was roughly 2600 in the queue, if that helps!

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Just not able to get in. I click on the message, and it asks me to update the app. The link directs me to the App Store. Something is seriously wrong.
I cannot join the waitlist.
I have updated the Android version to 5.40 - Anyone else have the issue.

I’m Android and had no issues at all. I have the same version as you too.

Perhaps try removing the app, restarting your phone and reinstalling. This usually fixes odd things like this.

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I can set up a regular investment every two weeks but but not every week.

Does anyone clever know why this might be? I get paid weekly and was hoping to set up a regular weekly payment.

I don’t know why, but it is annoying!

As much for being a curious cat as anything, I went into Scheduled Payments and selected Monzo products:

I then selected the new investment option at the bottom:

I got a pop-up that does not seem correct:

Is this a snag in the Android app to put right?

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Silly question but How do you add to your investment? Can’t seem to find it, thanks in advance.

Go into investments, which lists your invenstment pots.
go into the pot you have set up, to see the detail screen for it.
There are buttons to add or withdraw.

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Got it, thank you :pray:

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Unfortunately the App Store works only for iPhones, doesn’t matter which version of Android you are using.

:wave: any luck now?


Im looking for a bit of clarity on collecting fees. The fees document says this:

This suggests fees will be taken from any cash in the investment account but I assume all funds added to the account are immediately ringfenced for investment? Id prefer to be able to pay the fee without automatic selling of the investments.

Especially when the fees will contribute to the ISA allowance. I know the amounts might not be huge but id prefer my fees not to be deducted from my ISA allowance.


Are these investments included in the same £85,000 FSCS protection as the rest of my money in Monzo, or are they separate since they’re with Blackrock?

Tried and failed. Cleared cache uninstalled and restarted. Same issue.

Yes, the total amount of all of your Investment Pots are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) up to £85,000.

Amounts in your Investment Pot don’t count towards the FSCS limit for bank deposits with Monzo - you can find more information about FSCS protection on our website. `

FSCS protection doesn’t cover losses incurred through investment performance or if you get back less than you originally invested.


No, I understand phones pretty well, I think. I assure you I understand the ecosystem differences, too.

However, when there is a button linking you to upgrade from within the app (here I am talking about the Monzo Android App), it should take you to the Play Store, definitely not the App Store. The error is that it takes me to the Apple Store in the browser.


All working now… Thanks, I am on the waitlist. Man, there are an awful lot in a short time. I wish Monzo a huge success.