Tip Notifications ✅

When you tip someone in the states, its not normally included in the original transaction.

There should be a rule that when a transaction changes amount at a place that is tagged as ‘eating out’ that sends a notification when this is updated. For example, ‘Your $20 transaction for XXX has been updated to $24 to include your tip of 20%’

This would have been nice when I was traveling with Monzo.


This is exactly what I thought about when I did my first transaction yesterday in a bar.
Instant Notification could include suggestion for tip!

And eventually you have a setting for “default tip”, at 15%, 18% or 20% .


Hey there, thanks for this!

We’re exploring this in design at the moment. At our launch events we did some user research to better understand people’s needs around tipping, and @eoghan is working on some ideas that could help.

In the UK - we don’t tend to send notifications when transactions settle, but could potentially for when the amount changes for certain categories as you suggested.

We’re also exploring suggesting a tip amount in the original notification, and letting people tell us how much they tipped via card (after the payment), so we can proactively adjust the payment amount (and their balance) before it settles.

We need to be careful here to not make things more confusing if the tip is included in the initial payment, or if you tip with cash - but there’s definitely and opportunity here to do something really useful and slick.

The main things I’d love for us to help with are:

  • Not thinking you have more money to spend than you do, due to tips not settling for a few days.

  • Understanding that if you have a budget of $100 for eating out, that you actually have ~$80 when you factor in your typical tip amount.


Hello. I just read your post. I am having the same issue and just what to know what exactly happens. On my card I am seeing the amount with the tip as a separate charge on the card. Would monzo remove the original payment and just keep the updated one with the tip or do I have to call and cancel the one without the tip?

Generally, the version without the tip should automatically refund within 7 days, leaving only the correct transaction including tip.

If it doesn’t, or you need the money quicker as waiting for it to resolve itself could cause you financial difficulties, you can contact Monzo via the chat straight through the transaction details page to ask for the incorrect transaction to be reversed.

Reviving an old thread here to say - we just shipped a feature related to this!

@while-loop put some work in to show tipping suggestions whenever you use your card at a restaurant that might ask for a tip!

You should already see this in your app - and it’s just the start of some of the tip tracking we’re hoping to build - so you know exactly what to tip (no more sneakily opening the calculator app :abacus:) and so you’ll never get blindsided by a tip taking your balance lower than you expected.

We’re busy mocking up some future app screens - but would love to hear any more ideas you all have!


Tip Notifications 2: Tipping Boogaloo

We’ve just shipped the new app screens I alluded to in my last message! You can now let us know how much you tipped at a merchant - ensuring your balance stays as accurate as possible :coin:

We’re rolling out starting today - but if you don’t like waiting for the RNG gods to select your account, fill out this form and we’ll get you unlocked quicker!


Hey all, we’ve actually turned this on for everyone, so you should see this on your transactions now! :sparkles:

Since we first shipped out tipping suggestions in notifications back in August, we’ve actually welcomed a couple more engineers to our US team! Building out a solution for tracking tips turned out to be the perfect opportunity to get them familiar with our codebase while delivering immediately on your feedback! :muscle:

Learn more on our blog post


I second that request!

If the Monzo US team have already done all the work for it, it would be a shame not to make it available to everyone as it’s clearly a useful feature.

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Just curious and excuse my digressing. In the UK tipping is on average between 10 - 12.5%. Sometimes the tip is added to the bill as a service charge. In the US tips seem to be at 20%. This seems to be very high. Why are tips set at this high rate presumably by custom? Interested to hear from our US friends on this. TIA

Wages are lower in the USA, with expectation of tips making up the difference vs in the U.K. with a minimum wage.


Is it? Tipping isn’t something I’ve ever really seen in the UK. In fact I’d say I’ve 99% of the time seen people tell the establishment to take service charges off and refuse to pay it.


At a nice hotel, paying a 12.5% service charge is pretty standard and I haven’t seen people asking to remove it.

Can’t say I’ve ever been to a nice hotel so I’ll take your word for it.

In my view, tips and service charges are just greedy employers attempting to pay their staff as low wages as possible.

Tips should only be for exceptional service and never commonplace or expected.