In order to help you save you, should be able to lock pots, so that you can’t withdraw money from them until a certain date and time. However you could set a rule that says if my account falls below £X then allow withdrawals from pots.
This please. Would be super useful for nights out - could lock your cash away so you can’t spend too much.
Definitely agree, it would be good to have this BUT with an option to speak to a customer service adviser to unlock it (if it was absolutely necessary).
This is a good example of when, you could use a pot with a feature like this, another example would be your saving up for a holiday or for Christmas and you want to make sure you have money put a side, ready for when these events, come around.
Would you not put that in the savings pot to earn interest when it’s launched?
Good idea, so when your setting up your time lock on your pot, you should be able to select exceptions, like money in your main account falls below £X or you can select unlock through customer support. You could also have a option, you could select witch allows you to pick a friend/trusted contact that, can unlock the pot for you.
You could put your money into the Savings pot, but this is for pots for savings for things like a holiday or buying something. You could use the savings pot for one of these things, like saving up for a holiday. But if you’re someone who finds it difficult, to not go into your savings then this would prevent you from doing so.