The Monzo Extraordinary Ideas Board!

That’s true, when this sort of thing has been bought up in the past Monzo’s response has tended to be that this will no longer be an issue when the current accounts launch & you’re depositing your full salary in your account.

At which point, it sounds like the forecast should pretty much give you what you’re looking for, in terms of seeing where your balance will finish up, based on your current rate of spend?

When it comes to the average spend / comparing my spend, I tab back to previous month’s in the graph, to check where my balance was at the same time in the previous months.

To calculate how much you will have spent by the end of the month, you’d need to deduct the forecast balance from your balance at the start of the month. I’m not sure you can get to a precise figure that way at the moment though, as you can’t see exactly what your balance is forecast to be, at the end of the month :confused: