Not good how they charge you 30 days interest if you withdraw any money before October 2025.
I guess. But if I’m putting money into savings, i’m having the goal that it’s going to stay there a while anyway, and so therefore I’m not bothered about the charge. If anything it’s good, as it’ll discourage me from wanting to dip into it. And 1/11/25 really isn’t that far away tbh. Only like 10 and a bit months now.
They’re bad for 30 day interest charges on withdrawals. Only recent one that didn’t was the Sunny Day regular saver but it was 18+ which seems weird on a savings account.
I guess I’m only saving at the minute and not needing to dip into it, and so therefore I’m not really bothered by the charge, as I won’t be charged by it. I can see how it’s annoying to other users though.
Thing is, you never know when you might need to dip into what you were always intending to be a long term savings. So, all else being equal, I go for options with no penalty.
Yeah. And that’s one of the nice things about my NatWest DRS, and the Nationwide RS as well. Well nationwide isn’t unlimited, but 3 withdrawals should be plenty.
New CovBS Accounts are live.
They’re also available in-branch at 4.25% and 4.05% respectively
Slightly lower rate then my existing one, but I might get it
I still have unlimited withdrawals elsewhere at a higher rate, so I’ll pass
Yeah that’s decent. I’m on their old rate of monthly interest @ 4.75% AER/4.65% gross p.a., and so I might get this for the annual interest @ 4.66% AER/Gross p.a.