Starling's Marketplace

Ok here goes :smiley:

As we know, a big part of the challenger’s appeal is better user experience & I’m a big fan of functionality like this, which removes friction from the signup process.
At the July open office Tom mentioned that the Monzo marketplace might include a rating for providers, based on how easy they make it to sign up to their products. Obviously that’ll motivate them to accommodate that sort of functionality as much as possible, which is brilliant :bulb:

We know that this sort of functionality is on the way for Monzo users too, as it was included in Hugo’s Pots sneak peak. I believe that frictionless access to & management of these services, from a single place (the current account), is going to become more & more important as users start adopting more & more products from different providers.

I’ll be interested to see how this works out. In theory it’s useful but it could be difficult to aggregate the data from multiple providers & still provide meaningful insights to users.

This is key, in my opinion because it enables providers to quickly integrate with the marketplace which means that users will have a wider selection of products / services to choose from. I’ve been making the case for that here too.

We know that this is on the way from Monzo too :smile:

This is where it gets really interesting though, I’m really excited to see just how much the challengers can leverage user’s data, for their benefit.

My only concern is quite how far Monzo takes the recommendation engine. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m keen to have a choice of every integrated service, from every provider, rather than having to choose from Monzo’s selections. It sounds like Starling are taking the former approach :+1:

Last comment - obviously the UI is pretty basic but it looks like it’ll do the job for now.

Overall, I’m impressed :slight_smile: it’ll be interesting to see which has the bigger draw - a better app, with a fewer integrations initially (Monzo) or Starling’s app & more integrations via the marketplace. I’m also wondering how quickly Monzo can catch up, once the API is ready..time will tell.