Starling Feedback

I wonder if Anne & Co. are still reading this… :eyes:


I wonder if they’re thinking about closing dormant accounts?

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Maybe - less data to migrate to Bo.


On a serious point, if RBS do acquire Starling, then they’re doing it wrong if they don’t migrate their customers to the Starling platform!


Nah. They got bored of reading this about a week after they got bored of inventing a decent bank.


At least Starling listen to the problems we have with Monzo and fix them!

Just had to download my statements - Starling have now started naming their statements using international date format so they sort correctly. Monzo still name them all with the date you download them. Why Monzo why? It’s gotta be trivial to correctly name them.


I think Monzo really need a “trivialities” list - there’s loads of stuff that seems (to me at least) to be really small, and would delight the user if addressed, but which seem to fall between the cracks.

A month focusing on polish would be cool. (who do we need to tag to make this a thing? :thinking: :monzo: :poland:)


Make that thread :wink:


Mine’s on the front of mine!

How many items are you allowed to add to Monzo Time? :rofl:

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Like The Big List… but small? :wink:


The Not So Bigly List.


I wish I could like this more than once. This is one of those small things which would massively improves UX.


It’ll be yuge. It’ll be great. So great. Amazing, actually. We do lists better than anyone else. Everyone knows this. Everyone in the world says we are great at the lists. Imagine what would have happened if Crooked Hillary was here. No lists. None. We’re gonna bring back all the list making. We’re gonna make lists great again.


Mine’s on the front and back…


Haha. Make your mind up Amex :joy:


Just received my new card. The envelope being in portrait orientation too is a nice touch.


So many people act like you can’t use both, I have used both and think Monzo has better features but Starling offers a bit more overall.

  • Depositing cheques/cash isn’t a necessity to me, I’ll just do that in a legacy bank and then transfer the money over.
  • Community forums aren’t a necessity either, they’re cool to have but not something that you should use to sway who you will use as a bank, that should come from experience of the app itself… N26 doesn’t have a community forum and they’ve got more # of users than Monzo AND Starling put together.
  • People saying “Monzo has 1m users, Starling has 300k”. Starling has MORE users who use it as their main bank account, isn’t the monzo 1/10 people using it as their main account?
  • Monzo’s 50p overdraft is the equiv of using £1500 of Starling’s overdraft (can’t remember the specific ££££ but fairly sure it’s £1500).
  • Starling do not charge if you have the used overdraft money available in a pot, Monzo do.
  • Starling have interest on their savers.
  • Monzo now show upcoming payments, which is very handy to most users (especially if you’re a contractor etc or don’t receive pay slips until after being paid).

There’s literally arguments for and against both banks, I don’t honestly see why people get so obsessed in either banks, whether you’re an N26 user, a Starling user or Monzo user. Just use your bank, and if people ask for recommendations, recommend the bank you prefer. I REALLY don’t get the need for all the drama.

Again, not saying it’s everyone, but some posts both on the Starling community (RIP) and the Monzo community are so pathetic, you’re arguing over a bank…

Most use both, as have I. If Monzo never closed my account, I’d still be with them and would have never tried out Starling. I have used both and would prefer to continue using Monzo due to the feature set, and the friends on Monzo etc. But it is what it is, and Starling have provided adequate banking for me. I will try out N26 next, and hopefully they will provide healthy competition and make Monzo/Starling step up.


I like what N26 are doing and I’ve had an account with them for a year or so, but this isn’t really a fair comparison.

N26 is available to users in the following countries :

  • Austria (8 million population)
  • Belgium (11 million population)
  • Estonia (1.3 million population)
  • Finland (5.5 million population)
  • France (67 million population)
  • Germany (82.7 million population)
  • Greece (10.7 million population)
  • Ireland (4.8 million population)
  • Italy (60.5 million population)
  • Lithuania (2.8 million population)
  • Luxembourg (600,000 population)
  • Netherlands (17.1 million population)
  • Portugal (10.3 million population)
  • Slovakia (5.4 million population)
  • Slovenia (2 million population)
  • Spain (46.6 million population)

That’s a combined 336 million people.

Recent articles state that N26 have 1.5 million users.

So out of a total market of 336 million people they have market penetration of 0.44%

By comparison, we have a million accounts solely in the UK which has a population of 66 million, giving us current market penetration of 1.5%. You might also say that we have 66% of the customer numbers that N26 have whilst only being active in 6% as many countries.

It’s not a competition, it’s simply a different strategy. I’m simply pointing out that what you said is an incredibly flawed comparison.