On the point of Starling… I don’t know why this thread needs to decend into a virtual back and forth about whose better.
There are people who actively use both products, who comment on how they work and offer feedback on their experience.
Then there are people who just sit on the other forum, waiting for news about Monzo, to report it back and start flinging mud.
Information will always reach both forums because of how many crossover customers there are - But it’s really hard to interpret the tone of a message, if you don’t follow the other forum (this works for both Monzo and Starling).
There are a few people on the Starling forum, who simply stay there to “big up” Monzo, and criticise Starling at every opportunity they get (not real names, so no idea who they are).
Likewise there are a few people on this thread who seem to drive the knife further into Starling at every opportunity they get.
You don’t seem to have it the other way (from my experience of both forums), where people are overly pro Starling.
I get there is nothing people can do about an open forum, and in this day and age you’ll always get a bit of a keyboard war at times - But I don’t think Monzo customers should feel the need to defend their bank, on a different forum to where the initial comment came from.
This community is one of Monzos greatest resources - It doesn’t need to defend itself and it’s product.
Lastly, for someone not on both forums, the impression you get is that the Starling forum just talk about how bad Monzo is - That is far from the truth. Most people are extremely complimentary about Monzo (the product). They will often say “Can Starling do this? Because Monzo do and it’s great”.
There is very little real negativity about Monzo (sarcastic comments aside), and it’s more pro Monzo than here at times
Anyway, I just wanted to say that, because both forums are great, and the people on both are great as well.