✨ Spring cleaning: making it easier to manage your account & see Pots payments


How are they?

On icon spacing, that’s never really worried me. The spacing on Android for me looks pretty similar to the iOS version (but there’s a bit if a blue background - dark mode prep, maybe?)


I like the new tabs :slightly_smiling_face: see my post from a few back:

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I forgot you were Chosen One. I thought they might have gone wider :rofl:

/Resigns from Coral Crew. All the hassle, none of the perks!


I’ve just come across a bug :bug:

On the pot feeds, none of the despots/withdrawals are showing any of my previously added notes/tags.

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:joy: Surely I’m not the only person on here that’s got it yet?!

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No one else has revealed themselves!

Flash poll!

Do you have the new tabs?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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I’ve just tested this more. It’s not just historic tags/notes, it’s new ones too.
If I click on the pot transfer from the home tab and add a note, the note only reflects on the home tab and not on the same pot transfer on the pot’s own feed.

It’s the same the other way around too - if I add the note via the transfer on the pot feed item, it doesn’t reflect on the same item on the home tab. So it looks like it’s not syncing up with the home tab feed at all.


The last time I mentioned that, I got the comment…

6 voters is one more than the 5-person focus group :monzo: used to go for Plus v1/1.5/2 features.
Absolutely confirmed that has not yet rolled out to anyone other than @monzo2018 :open_mouth:

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Or maybe it’s not supposed to?

I’m pretty sure not everyone will want the same notes at both ends.

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Without seeing it, this sounds like the functionality I’d expect.

It feels a bit like Monzo are moving towards a slightly different set up: a “spending pot” for want of a better name that would just have disposable income and no bills payments etc, bills pots, virtual card pots etc - then an umbrella view to bring it all together (a bit like the current account view at the moment) then an über macro view bringing that together with connected accounts.

That hierarchy might look like this:

< Monzo current
<< Monzo spending (connected to physical card)
<< Pot 1 (connected to specified DDs)
<< Pot 2 (connected to different DDs)
<< Pot 3 (connected to virtual card 1)
<< Pot 4 (savings)
<< Pot 5 (overdraft!)
< Connected credit card 1
< Connected Starling current account
<< Starling goal space 1
<< Starling goal space 2

That’d be massive and exciting for visibility. And would kinda mean that it would make sense to have different notes on either side of the transaction when money moves around.


But surely if you add a note to a pot deposit or withdrawal, you’d want that same note to be on the transaction whether you are viewing that transaction from the pot feed or the home tab feed?

It hadn’t occurred to me it could be intentional. I like to be able to scroll down my pot feed (the old history view before) and see at a glance what all deposits and withdrawals were for, but now all that is gone from the pot feed, if it’s not a bug it would be pretty frustrating to manually add all that info back in.

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Personally not. I doubt I’d mind it being there but I have no current use for notes on the pot end of a transfer.

Either way, this is just speculation. I agree with @Peter_G that it’s what I’d expect/prefer but it doesn’t mean we’re right.


I think I’d need to play with it to really understand what feels right.

I suppose it depends on your mental model for notes: are they like references for transfers (that you expect to see in both originating and receiving accounts) or are they notes that you’re adding that are context sensitive?


I would.


You forgot to add joint account all the way at the bottom

Poor @monzo2018 has been so humbled they’re ashamed to admit they are Monarch of Monzo. :joy:

@monzo2018 are you Tom?


Pretty sure they’d have a tag like @simonb saying ex Monzo

I know you were kidding


Unless they are lurking under deep, dark cover. MI-Tom, style.

Edit: I’ve given the new CEO a bit of a hard time for lack of engagement - maybe he was here all along? :eyes:


No, sorry to disappoint :joy:. I’ve voted now :joy:

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Oh looks like I’m not alone now!! :eyes: @N26throwaway