When your money comes in every month/bi monthly, do you aim to save any of it, or do you like to spend it all ?
Personally i like to save about £50 each month
When your money comes in every month/bi monthly, do you aim to save any of it, or do you like to spend it all ?
Personally i like to save about £50 each month
I always aim to save ! Not always successful though ha !
Likewise I try to save as much as I can at current. Building up a deposit for a house
Although I still feel I keep back enough to enjoy myself.
I’m quite lucky as I have a very low committed spend.
Spend. Spend EVERYTHING!
Single big spender or daily impulse spending?!
I’d say both. My daily spend is usually around 100£ or so and then there’s the occasional big purchase when I walk by a shop I like.
Save! Sound boring don’t I As soon as I get paid I put as much as I think I can get away with in a pot. A lot less tempted when it’s not showing in balance in home screen. Cheapskate day to day, save for the luxuries.
Phew! Thought I was the only one here that does that
Impressive spending.
My bar chart is bigger than yours.
The bigger the merrier. Just make sure the red bar is taller than the green one. You don’t want to be saving money do you? That’d be boring.
I have credit cards and a bit of money set aside for unexpected bills so I don’t save. I work hard so like to spend my money and enjoy it, you can’t take it with you when you leave this life
It’s incredibly vulgar to brag about spending thousands per month. Just saying.
I try and save as much as I can each month. It’s definitely been easier since I started using Monzo. Every time I get my payday notification I move as much as I can afford into a savings pot. Then I’ll invest a small amount from there every now and then or plonk some in an ISA. It’s made me a lot more proactive about that sorta stuff, just because it’s so easy to do and clearer where my money is.
Automatic weekly saving through Moneybox has helped too. I don’t even have to think about that and the amount per week is small enough not to be noticeable.
Saving makes me feel fuzzy inside - it’s comforting to have a safety net, but I think it’s important to save towards something nice every now and then too.
Saving is my priority.
Budget is based on essentials, groceries, minimum eating/drinking out, then saving; and saving to the max.
A bit of both. I try to save. There are a lot of things that I would like to buy as bigger purchases, but saving is slow progress. And honestly, I’m not scrimping and saving every penny because spending often ends up higher priority.
I have a budget. Every time I’m paid I check my budget, and any money left over goes into a pot. Just before my next payday, I move what’s in the pot to a separate savings account that’s harder to access. Along with anything left over by the time my next payday rolls around. Sometimes I’ll squirrel it away more frequently if I know I won’t need it, just to lock it up.
But usually there’s not a lot to put away, if anything, because I always think of things I want to buy first.
Still, something is better than nothing! I try to find balance. There are things I really want but not at the expense of living the life I want now. I don’t know how long it will last, after all!
The more I read about people saving the idea of sweeping remaining funds into a savings account before pay day sounds like a great idea
This is what I do the night before Pay day, just sweep everything out. With plum integration I’m hoping this will do it for me during the month and save even more!
I’ll start to do this. Hopefully automattic one day
It’s going to be a huge shock to an awful lot of people of that turns out not to be true