SMS Verification code not received


Trying to join this app, having issues with receiving the sms verification despite entering the correct number and tried for several hours yesterday. Got no sms at all.

Can anyone advise?


As far as I remember you don’t receive an SMS code, you get an email that you need to click to verify.

Could you provide more detail of the steps you’re taking and perhaps a screenshot of the page where you’re entering your number?

You have to do both, email then a number verification on the app.

Removed my number for security reasons

How odd. To be honest it has been a long time since I signed up for my Monzo account and I didn’t see this step detailed in their guide.

If it’s not coming through and you’ve double/triple checked that your number is correct then there are only a couple of things I can suggest.

  • Delete the app, restart your phone, reinstall and try again.
  • Make sure you’ve definitely got an internet connection (I see you’re on WiFi)

If you still have no luck, then you’ll need to call or email Monzo.

0800 802 1281