Siri Shortcuts & iOS 14

Are there any plans to finally use Shortcuts with Monzo?

It would be great to be able to ask Siri what my balance is on my account, give me an update on my pots, move money between pots and main balance, and even allow to make a payment to a Credit Card or a friend, all by using your voice or an automation.

Im sure there are tons of different ideas users have, and if they had access to simple information from the app, they could finally be implemented. Also, automations is finally AUTOMATIONS in iOS 14. You do not need to click a notification whenever a automation is run, this is mentioned on one of the developer videos on the WWDC 20 website.

Hopefully this could become reality this year.

I recently asked about something similar to this on Twitter as I found an old article which said you could use Siri to send money to other people using Monzo and I couldn’t get it to work. I was told that the feature had been removed and there were no plans to bring it back any time soon.

With the changes coming in iOS 14 though, hopefully there’ll be some new plans from Monzo :slight_smile: