As we all don’t get paid from the 1st to the 1st-an option to manually change the feature dates? I top up the day after my pay day (23rd of the month) & am continually get messages that I’ve sent my overall target this month! If you have this already, could you tell me where it is? Thanks!
This is coming
The easiest fix here is to top up on the 1st instead.
(Alex Sherwood)
28 February 2017 13:14
I asked one of the Monzo designers about this recently & it looks like they haven’t decided on a solution yet -
Yeah, same! It is definitely a problem. In my case, I’m poor at the end of each month, but the “end” is often the 26th/27th, which then gives me four days with my shiny new paycheck to mess up my targets and spending. So it’s certainly in mind, I’m not sure how we will solve it yet, but it’s definitely in mind.
In the meantime, you could try this workaround -
This is a very manual solution but at the end of each month you could increase your current month’s Targets, to cover your additional spend, since payday & then descrease the following month’s Targets to take that spend from your new paycheck into account. That way your performance against Target is always measured against the same benchmark & the category alerts will still work as they should & provide a meaningful insight.
Obviously that’s going to be too much hassle for some …
If you’re living pay check to pay check, it sort of defeats the purpose topping up on the 1st! This will be the handiest feature once it comes in!
11 October 2017 14:49
Conversation continued here: Set Start of Month 1