Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) chat

I disconnected my RBS account and went through the process again, which allowed me to select both accounts but it still shows nothing and doesn’t give me the option to connect when I go into the Child & Co card.

That’s bizarre, what iOS version are you on? Not that I matters I don’t think.

I’m on 17.5 beta but I’m sure it doesn’t matter either. I removed the Child & Co card and re-added but still the same. It’s not a massive issue but just strange that the standard RBS card has it when they’re essentially the same cards just with a different image.

I only have Drummonds and child & co so unfortunately no workaround for me!!

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Same, it’s a cool feature but I ain’t opening a credit card for it. :rofl:


If you have a standard RBS account as well as the Child&Co or Drummonds it lets you access all your accounts via the Apple Payment Service, but unfortunately it doesn’t show in the wallet despite it being switched on for each account in settings.

I have an RBS credit card and can’t get the Drummond and Child balances to show. I’ve turned them on the settings but it doesn’t work. In fact my credit card balance doesn’t show properly either: it just shows “available balance” as £0. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Those with an RBS credit card, Can you amend direct debit details / amount via the app?

Have just closed my Barclaycard and opened one with Nationwide but you need to call them to do direct debit stuff it seems, so thinking of withdrawing from that.

Yeah you can amend it in the app

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Nice one, Thanks for confirming.

How do you do this? I’ve get the debit and credit cards showing in my wallet but is there something extra I need to do in order to access the Apple payment service?

You go in via the prompt in the wallet app for the standard purple RBS account card, then when it takes you to the RBS app it should show you all your accounts that can be linked.

However when it throws you back into the wallet app it asks you to select the account the card is associated with because of the multiple accounts, you do this, then it shows for the standard purple RBS account, but there is then no prompt for the Child & Co or Drummonds account, despite both accounts showing in settings of the wallet app.

I guess they’ve just not switched it on for these types of accounts to get the prompt.

About to apply for a vanilla RBS account at my nearest branch. I’ll use the old form so I can select a branch as I currently have Drummonds and Child & Co accounts. I remember someone posted something about being questioned for using this form or having accounts closed or something similar. I don’t want to risk my NatWest group accounts. Have others used the old form to open accounts having recently (within the last few months) opened other NW group current accounts and closed an RBS one? Suspect there isn’t a discernible pattern for these things.

I haven’t seen a reported issue in ages, and even when people did report having their accounts closed I’m not at all convinced it was because they used the form.


I don’t get it, i did applied for Drummonds, even verified that the short code was right and said ‘branch london drummonds’ but now got the letter saying account open at ‘london c&co’ …

Oh no. I wonder how that happened? I hope this doesn’t mean that the old form has become redundant, i.e. just opens an account using your existing “home” sort code. :upside_down_face:


It hasn’t. They had to go through some extra steps due to residency issues and so I expect the application got put through manually by whoever was dealing with it and might have been pushed through the “normal” route (or even put through as a new account separate to the original application) so they got their “home” sort code.


sigh of relief

ive recently used the old form to open a Drummonds account (have child currently) and it worked fine