
When the stereotype of Redditors is too much even for Reddit.

Similar to my fave Florida Man Twitter account.

Also r/UnsolvedMysteries :heart_eyes:


Oh gosh. Lets see…

/r/assholedesign - for when companies do shitty things to try and get sales. (dodgy packaging, and bad website design).

/r/casualuk - for some friendly UK non-political banter.

Will post others as I remember them


I hope this was featured on there:

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Who needs Reddit when MySpace is still around?!

Seriously though, for when Reddit gets a bit too savage, don’t forget to purge at r/EyeBleach

4Chan > Reddit

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I had an account for years on there before I finally ‘got’ how it worked and visited regularly.

Subs I visit a lot are
This one really does offer great advice for getting out of debt, saving, investments, retirement planning. I learned about it from here actually, there’s a flow chart they produce for how to prioritise what you do with your money (ie clear off debts, then save for goals, and what to do when you hit those goals)
Opinions from every angle about what Apple is up to, often it breaks news faster than the fan websites
Great for finding out what’s happening around the city. The social club one does a lot of ‘Does anyone want to…’ short notice stuff.
These are mostly just funny pictures tbh.

TV subs for the shows I enjoy, and general TV news

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Reviving a very very old thread. I’ve been happily using the official Reddit app for the past few years without understanding why people hate it so much. I now want to give a third party app a go since the latest update makes the up and downvote arrows wiggle and it’s annoying.

I just don’t know much about how safe that is. I assume they need to use an API and can’t just see my username/password? I lost track of technology and am a bit scared of non-proprietary logins - I trust the company but not the middleman

I use Apollo (iOS). Yeah, they have a login API so the client app never sees your details.


I just gave Apollo a go without logging in and it feels strange and alien. I suppose it’s because I’m so used to the old app

Is the login page through the API supposed to look like it’s from 2003?

Also use Apollo. I never sign in to Reddit though. I very much just lurk and only have an account for secret Santa. Apollo just has a nicer interface IMO, and is overall nicer to use, and a better experience than the default app for signed out users.

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I think it’s the one part of the website Reddit didn’t update in the redesign

Recently came across some CP on Reddit - made from the Spirit Riding Free children’s show (a show about horses), can the police do anything? I have reported it to the subreddit mods and it’s since been removed (least it’s not visible on the subreddits frontpage), but it was very worrying as the kids in that program are pre-teen, I mean, who in their right mind would take the time to edit some stills from the show to be like that? there are some truly sick people out there

Nothing really disturbs me anymore, but that did. it was just vile

They definitely could, will they is another question, if you still have the link to the post then I’d report it.

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