Public Monzo spending data?

Hi Monzo community!

For a project at university, I am looking for (anonymous) spending data. I am looking for something similar to this:

…or just aggregated spending data as a .csv file (similar to the data that can be pulled from the app).

I appreciate any input!


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Data sounds like something in @Nigel’s area of expertise for the aggregate anonymous data. (Hopefully I got the right person there! :sweat_smile: )

It will likely help if you explain exactly what data you are looking for and what you are looking to do with it, the Monzo community has generally been quite privacy conscious!

I agree that this is a sensitive subject, hence I am looking strictly for anonymised data!

The .csv data you can get from the app is pretty much all I would need (Amount, category, maybe description etc) The goal then is to use that data to create some sort visualisation of the spendings, maybe display them on an iPad on the fridge so you can always see how much money you have left and if you achieve your goals etc.

So you’re looking for an export of a single, anonymous user’s data? I’m not sure Monzo would be able to hand that over as it would be fairly trivial to deanonymise, though you may be able to get it from a kind community member!

Yeah single user data is fine :slight_smile: Or, as mentioned earlier, some sort of anonymised data provided by Monzo (e.g. average spending across Monzo users on eating out, gas/transportation etc.) Something to compare single user data to!

There is an example dump of data which is used for seeding staging accounts. I would expect that was an actual user’s data at some point.

Do you know how to access this example data?

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It was built into the transaction simulator, but having tried to access it again, unfortunately it seems to be gone.

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Hi @8aryl, I’m afraid we can’t to share customers’ spending data. You can export your own spending data through the app though!


Yeah, I agree with you on this. I really wouldn’t be comfortable with my spending data being public, even if it is anonymous.

On the other hand, I wouldn’t have a problem with like a dashboard on, kinda similar to what you had during the investment round. i.e. £X amount has been spent by Monzo users so far, would be pretty interesting even if it’s rounded and a little inaccurate.

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Again, completely agree on not having exact spending data being publicly displayed. It would really be more about having something to compare to, e.g. average spending per person per month etc.

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