After proving my infallible psychic abilities in my predictions for 2021, I’m throwing caution to the wind and giving it another go.
As last year, this is what I think could happen, not what I think should. So what is in store?
Flex will roll out fully. Not everyone will be eligible, but everyone with a Monzo account will have the ability to apply.
There will be some marginal tinkering, but despite this some glaring oversights will remain.
Paid Accounts
Monzo will launch payments from pots for paid users. This will mean that direct debits and standing orders can be paid directly from a pot without doing the main account shuffle. I’m 50/50 as to whether they discontinue the current offering. Whatever they do there will be minor community controversy.
Trends will bring in other time periods (weeks, years etc). It will still not really provide any actionable comparators or effectively segregate mandatory and discretionary spend.
Budgeting will move to Trends. It won’t be an improvement over what’s in Summary.
We will (finally) be able to add notes, split bills, use shared tabs and search connected accounts. We’ll also be able to Flex transactions in connected accounts. Yay!
I said this for 2021, but I’m giving it another go (because it’s ridiculously obvious): a web interface for (at least) paid customers.
Customer support…
…will still be poor.
… but Monzo still still score highly on satisfaction surveys and nothing will be done.
Core Banking
Curve ball! We’ll finally get cheque imaging. After dark mode and cheques the Community won’t know what to moan about.
A master feed will appear, as if by magic. A little like the Trends account selector it’ll let you see transactions for multiple pots / connected accounts in one place.
We’ll be able to make payments directly between pots. (This will be a missed opportunity to sort out the payments tab).
New products
- Monzo will integrate with a stock broker (50/50 on this being Freetrade) to offer passive funds and crypto (I’ll roll my eyes at the latter).
International Expansion
the US will be limping on.
nowhere else will get the gift of Monzo, despite me randomly screaming “Europe starting with Ireland” at infrequent intervals.
towards the end of the year though, assuming that Monzo is profitable, new markets will be discussed again.
Business health
Monzo will still have made an overall loss in the next annual report, but it will be lower.
Monzo will reach 6m users
the FCA probe will either result in a small fine and slap on the wrist - or become an existential issue with Monzo acquired at a knock down price.
curve ball! Jonas, the last founder standing, will announce that he’s leaving Monzo.
Community and Media
This forum will continue to wither, with the same small number of voices dominating.
The CEO will continue his media shyness. He won’t post on here. Nor will anyone else from the C Suite (except perhaps Jonas if he does leave).
There won’t be any UK Community events. (An outside chance of doing a one off something, virtually or in person, if the pandemic eases up by the summer).
Elsewhere in banking and fintech
Dozens and Project Imagine will just about survive the year. Although perhaps in a very different form.
Starling won’t release a credit card. They’ll focus on mortgage lending and on resembling a high street bank without branches. They’ll hype their pending floatation, but there will be bumps in the road due to defaults on the covid loans they issued.
Revolut will get a UK banking licence, but might have to make significant concessions (including ring fencing its UK operations with an independent CEO and Board) to keep it. It’ll throw a load of money at attracting new customers, but the effect will be marginal.
Tandem won’t survive the year in its current form.
Atom Bank and Coconut will be takeover targets.
Who could predict what’s happen with Curve? They’ll see out the year but be rapidly scrabbling for revenue.
Metro Bank will get its mojo back and end the year with a share price over £1.40.
Chase will launch direct debits and standing orders. It’ll extend its cashback offer so it covers Christmas 2022. It won’t make as big a dent in the market as it has hoped, but will continue to throw money at it.
Nutmeg will be folded into the main Chase app.
Freetrade will launch in Europe. It will launch crypto trading (and I’ll roll my eyes again). Its momentum will slip as we move into a higher interest rate environment. If it integrates with Monzo it’ll take both firms to a new high (and set the stage for an eventual merger).
Reading this back, it feels like there’s a lot for Monzo to do. I know they’ve been getting better at shipping recently, but I worry that they just won’t get through all of this.
But that’s me done: what have I got right and what have I got wrong? And what are your predictions?