My pots are all showing and in the wrong order, then I try to save it it just go back random order and all my hidden pots are showing , tried to uninstall and go back to the non beta app but no joy
iPhone 10
App 4.53.0 #857
My pots are all showing and in the wrong order, then I try to save it it just go back random order and all my hidden pots are showing , tried to uninstall and go back to the non beta app but no joy
iPhone 10
App 4.53.0 #857
Me too…
@AlanDoe Looks like something might have gone wibble
I’ve started seeing the same too…… @alandoe another bug!
I panicked for a second because my pots with the most in them were at the top of the list before, and so for a brief second I thought they were gone
Mine have all gone weird too!
Moving them back doesn’t seem to work either.
This is like when I move an app on my phone. I know it’s in the wrong place but I can’t work out the right order.
Looks like it’s back to normal now
Yep back to normal for me too
Everyone else noticing that it’s back to normal?
Mine didn’t change at all
Probably because I am not on a test app mode , so it must be a bug in a latest app update
Back to normal now, awesome!
Gonna close this Topic unless we have any other Pot order issues?
Erm yes - but not the same.
Since re-ordering pots became a thing, I’ve been unable to put my Joint Account anywhere other than first in the list accounts list
It is definitely a server-side issue with my account.