Pot limit!

Yeah it sucks but at least it makes the page shorter. :grimacing:

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Oh aye for multiple.

Swipe down for Pockets on revolut isn’t terrible.

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Would be nice if you could re-order stuff, I’d rather savings/investments be above regular pots.


I find this fascinating, I like the fact I have to scroll down a way before I see my savings… stops me thinking “wow, I’ve got all that cash I could buy a ”. Instead I think I’ve only got £50 left in my Commuting pot, will I be able to get to work…

But hey I don’t see any reason not to let a user move the panels around


I often forget that I have a few quid in the savings pots, it’s always a nice surprise when I remember that tab exists

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Ok you ready?

I have spending pots, short term saving pots and longer term saving pots.

I have spending pots for:
House fund
Evenings out
Health treatments
Expensive clothes

These are spent where needed and are not spent every month.

I have short term savings pots which saves up for the year for annual things such as:
Train season ticket
Annual subscriptions (Amazon prime, disney etc)
Holiday fund

I then have longer term savings:
Driving fund (to do intensive driving course)
Wedding fund
50th birthday holiday fund

So I manage to use quite a few. I have other savings going on for bigger amounts, these are just saving smaller amounts that I may need to use for something else in an emergency.

This does not include my budgeted amounts every month for things like eating out, groceries, and shopping etc which happen every month. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I’m also financially anxious, and this micromanaged refinement helps me to know that I have catered for everything I need to pay for, and then also put a little aside for some other little savings bits. Things I would like but don’t NEED.

After all the pots stuff has been taken, then I’m left with the money I can budget using categories which are every month. I don’t use Monzo for my bills.

Hope that helps! :grin:


Thank you!

I’m not sure I’ve persevered enough with micro budgeting.

It has worked in the past, pulling money out from Pot to spend on groceries or going out, but seem to have lost that method.

Think maybe once a few of my other bills have been paid off in full it won’t require so much thought processing.

No worries. :slight_smile:

I started the pots for annual subscriptions because I could never cater for them properly and they always ruined my budget for a month when I had to pay them. I have to be relatively strict monthly and I definitely didn’t want it cutting into my beer tokens money! :laughing:

I scheduled money to be deposited for months and then scheduled for it to be withdrawn just before I was meant to pay for it.

That way the money for my monthly budget balanced.

Then it grew (and grew and grew) from there. I may be the extreme side of this however.

Pots are only really worthwhile for whatever you don’t have to spend regularly. Otherwise the taking money out all the time etc is just hassle.

The rest - groceries, eating out, etc I do via the targets and categories and don’t include whatever is going into pots in that amount.

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Oddly me too, but seeing exactly where I am eases my mind completely.
Just takes a bit of planning to start with.
The groceries is esp useful because I know how much we spend, it doesn’t stop me buying food, but I know that when the food pot hits zero it comes out of my ‘fun money’ so might choose wiser!
I also save for Petrol, forgot that one!
Bonus is with all this is if I underspend on some things that month I do a clear out on my monthly ones like food & petrol a few days before payday and can have a treat! :slight_smile:


I did try using Hyperjar, what is nice is the app auto allocates based on the merchant. So TFL automatically pops into the ‘Commuting’ pot. I achieve the same with a virtual card on Monzo, but it’s a shame you have to keep switching in your app to spend from the different pots.

If you don’t have enough money in your Commuting pot, then it takes the balance from your main account.
This might not be great for budgeting but at least it means you can get home…

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Which is why I am all in with the Virtual cards, shame they are locked behind a paywall, but I can afford the £3 a month. As I have said before once Starling have me back I will switch my Monzo setup to them as Connected Cards to Spaces are free.


And you can use them in the joint account, Monzo seriously lacking on joint account support.

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Yeah I used them for a bit but decided it wasn’t worth £36 a year for that. As the rest of the “perks” didn’t see like anything I would use.

I think Monzo works hard for the financially anxious! There’s a whole market there for them to tap into! :joy:

Sure I get it. It’s horses for courses. I was paying £3 for Santander and another £3 for Triodos so I kind of got used to paying for bank accounts.
There was a survey on moneysavingexpert that said something like 67% of people had never switched account (of these people who completed the survey) this is a problem for Monzo, as 1) a majority of people won’t switch 2) those people that switch are more likely to switch again and again (hence why I am locked out of Starling for 12 months), just waiting for my £175 from Santander before switching out

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