✅ Post Office to Lodge Money

I’m with Santander but am using my Mondo card daily as it’s so much better.

One thing I would love is the ability to lodge cash at a Post Office counter. I don’t have a Santander near me so I use the PO to lodge all cash, and if I could pop my Mondo card in and top it up that way, I’d be over the moon :slight_smile:

Anything like that possible?


The only way to possibly do this is to go into a Barclays brance as that is where there account is. You’ll need the sort code, account number, account name and your reference number (all found in the standing order payment section).

I have never done this, but don’t see why it wouldn’t work.

With the Mondo card being only a temporary feature pending the launch of a current account, I wouldn’t expect them expend too much effort on features that would be ‘card only’.

Given that paying cash into the account will be a problem in the future too, however, I’m not suggesting you write off this request entirely.

think making payments in a postoffice is actually a great idea. Many banks work with the PO to providing some banking features over the counter. :mondo: would benefit greatly from having the same deal with PO.

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Yes, agreed. It is extremely rare that I would visit a bank branch nowadays - only for cash related transactions - but the ability to pay in cash / cheques (for however long they last) is a seldom, but presently important part of a bank’s function.

I would hope that Mondo has some similar arrangement with the PO to cater for these rare instances.

I guess with cheques, there’s probably a technologically better solution such as scanning in an app, but cash will always be an issue.

Bring on the cashless society! :smiley:

I think that is the way the bank will run. Being self employed, I’m going to need to be able to pay cash into my account. Most banks allow it, so I can’t see why :mondo: wouldn’t be the same (even though I know they are different).

It’s such a fundamental - I’m sure they’ll have this well in hand

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think they will or another service otherwise you wouldn’t be able to pay cash into your :mondo: current account.

Although Mondo will be my main account moving forward I will still keep my Metrobank account open for things like this and when I actually need to go into a branch as the Post Office near me is in a WH Smiths so only open shop hours.

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for other accounts I use PayPoint in a local shop from 7-10 Mon-Sat 8-8 Sun so that much better than the Post Office (which in my town shuts for lunch from 12-2:30)