Please allow crypto to be purchased in the app

Would be useful to have a range of cryptos and allow the to be bought sold or stored

I think the possibility of this happening is essentially nil. They’re are plenty of options out there for you.


Given that there are plenty of fiat currencies which can’t be bought in the app, I’d guess this is a long way off.


You have more of a chance of yuor account being closed then monzo allowing this suggestion.


Why do you think Monzo would be better at this thank the other existing, specialised options?

Coinbase and Binance work perfectly well, so just use them.

No point adding more complexity into the app. There’s other priorities to be dealt with

I would assume also that by bringing in Crypto, this opens up a whole host of issues that may see the regulators knocking on the banks door. (speculation is that, I don’t really know anything about it :sweat_smile: )

Sadly, it won’t happen for a long time, I guess :confused:

Monzo needs to learn to tolerate it first :thinking:

That’s why I opened bank account at Swissquote as they are fully friendly to cryptocurrency trading :sunglasses::bar_chart::chart_with_upwards_trend: