Perks-More cinema options

Can Monzo also add Omniplex for 1 free ticket each week.

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And can I have a free sausage roll from my local bakery?

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@N26throwaway another one for your list?

I do the ranking. You go to bed, you’ve got school in the morning.


Revels, you should try listening to this:

And if that doesn’t work, you could try this

“StOp MaKiNg EvErYtHiNg AbOuY yOuR aGe”, as a Revels once told me :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We’ve been through this, the next savoury addition is a 6” subway every week

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Can I go every other week and be fulfilled properly?

No. I’m in charge of Monzo paid tier perks and you get 6” and you’ll be satisfied with that

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It’s not my list! :laughing:

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