Monzo now has the ability to let us get paid a day early, but how about letting us pay outgoings early too?
I currently have 6 items in my feed all being taken “X days from now”, it’d be nice to tap a button saying “pay it now” and Monzo would remove this money from the relevant balance/pot for you.
Ofcourse they would actually send the money when it was due, but in your eyes it’s done, paid and dealt with.
I think the big issue is direct debits because my understanding is that the company requesting the money dictates when it is taken. So you can’t pay it to the company early.
As a related point, given that (for me) the main purpose of bills pots is to not have to think about DDs etc. It will be annoying to see these notifications when I’ve already made arrangements to set the money aside. It would be nice to be able to hide these notifications (or in an absolutely perfect world, set a range and only get a notification if the DD was outside of that range).