👀👀👀👀 [Pay from pots with virtual cards]

It wasn’t there this morning because I looked

Several times :joy:

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Yh you can’t with a normal Monzo card either, think it’s a limitation of TestFlight, I always have to go back to the App Store version to be able to do it

Is this for new cards only or can you add existing ones too it as I can’t see it anywhere

Are you trying with a virtual card on a pot?

Sorry, a new card. Just set it up and added it, double-pressed and expected it to be there but it wasn’t.

Went back and redid it, to me the screen seems to show it’s final, but there’s more steps afterwards which is maybe where I got confused (or I didn’t read it properly)

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Then you sir are a magician. The TestFlight version has never ever let me add a card to Apple Pay, the buttons are there but the process fails every time, failed on my VC like it fails on the normal Monzo card, always have to go back to the App Store version to add them and then go nack to TestFLight again, I’ve seen people talk about this on here before too

Without a pot, as I haven’t created a new card just attempted to add one I already have - is that the reason?

No roundups, at least for now :bowing_man:


Nooooooooo :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

I’m not on the testflight version either. I think I’m causing more problems here than helping! Sorry!



Limited to new cards and only cards on Pots :honey_pot:


Do you reckon there’s a possibility that you will add this? I have one vc which has quite a few ongoing payments on it. I’d love to move it to a pot without having to delete and go round the services adding another card


Thank you

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You’re not worthy


That’s what I get on TestFlight, always have got that screen on any Monzo card and have had to revert to App Store to add to Apple Pay and then jump back to the TestFlight version again afterwards.

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I didn’t think this screen made it clear I needed to press anything

But pressed the wallet, selected phone or watch and done :man_shrugging:t3:

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Are you definitely running on TestFlight?

No sorry, I did edit my post above. Not on testflight just the latest version that updated today.

Ah ok, that explains it :slight_smile:

Wow lush!

Def have some questions about how exactly things work. Like, if I set one to pay from bills, but for some reason didn’t have enough in my bills pot… does it bounce?

Am gonna use one for credit card bills separately, as always have a credit card pot, and will save me having to manually withdraw from that :ok_hand:

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