👀👀👀👀 [Pay from pots with virtual cards]

This is fantastic :+1: Managed to set up a new virtual card linked to a pot with no problems and set up with Google Pay. I like the link on the manage pot tab. Now I need more than 5 virtual cards!


Thanks @Dan5

I also can from TF but often it’s a bit fiddly. (Though can’t with this new virtual card I’m trying to add using the button - had to manually enter the card number/exp/ccv details)

If you’re on the TestFlight build, you can add the card manually through Wallet (with the card number/expiry date/CVV).

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I think I’ve found a use for this - replacing the kids Hyperjar accounts. Need to test adding the Monzo Virtual Cards - funded by specific pots in my Personal account - to their phones (one iPhone, one Android) to see if it works properly or not. :boy: :girl: :credit_card: :credit_card:

One test will surely happen - what happens when they spend more than what is left in their designated pot - will it draw funds from my Personal Account? Not sure I’ve seen the answer to this one yet.

EDIT: Question answered in post# 313 below


If this team is also responsible for the new manage screens I shared here: Manage Tabs Upgrades - Monzo Chat - Monzo Community

Then super cracking job, they’re some great QoL updates


Wonder if these will roll out to non paying people :thinking:

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Hope so! Can’t imagine they won’t be! It’d be nice to see non paying customers see some improvements come from the paid offerings


Seen a couple of questions about what happens when you hit £0 in your Pot:

If you’re trying to make a new payment and you don’t have enough money in your Pot, we’ll decline it - there’s no drawing from your Current Account, it’s like they’re completely separate.

There’s one notable exception that I alluded to in an earlier post: there are payments that change in amount, such as TFL where you get charged e.g. £0.10 when you tap-in to the tube, but the next day that changes to the actual amount you paid (something like £2, say).
If that happens and you don’t have enough money in your Pot, we’ll draw the difference from your Current Account*, this means that there’s no concept of “unarranged overdraft” for Pots (which is a headache we don’t even want to start considering, let alone explaining to customers).

*Bonus: if you’ve archived the Pot in the time in between, we’ll also unarchive it so you find out that something’s changed


Not seeing it on latest TestFlight :sob:

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Yep! You’ll only see the new Manage tab if you’re using this feature, right now, but we’re gradually rolling it out over the next week or so!


I’d be worried about this – it’s an obvious application, but given that banks T&Cs usually require that you not share your card/card details with any third parties, setting up a VC on someone else’s phone may mean you fall foul of the T&Cs and aren’t covered for any fraud or worse, your account gets shut

Thank you for the full answer!

Follow up, both because you said ‘new payment’ and because of the wording currently seen on the scheduled payments screen of a ‘bills pot’.

Right now, that screen says it moves money from pot, then pays. So even if I don’t have enough, my DD/standing order still gets paid.

If I’m paying a bill using a virtual card attached to a pot… would my subscription or bill or whatever get declined if the pot didn’t have enough? Are DDs and SOs from pots treated differently to card payments?


This is ace!

There are so many possibilites now :heart:


Yes! Welcome to the delightful world of payment schemes - while the behaviour I described before is true for card payments, you’ll still see the existing Bills Pot behaviour for Direct Debits and scheduled payments where we withdraw from your Pot to your Current Account and pay from there.

Don’t quote me on this last bit, but I suspect even in a world where we take Direct Debits and scheduled payments directly from your Pot without the withdrawal step, we’d still need to allow them to draw from your Current Account balance too, for complex reasons.


Can you work on a way to pay plus and Monzo loan repayments from a pot now?

Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?


I was just about to ask this question as I’m on the verge of signing up for plus again. Can you pay for plus from a pot haha.

It’s so annoying


A question, will the subscriptions, such as netflix, get picked up by salary sorter to add the amount to the pot yet to cover it?

Also is it still a 5 card limit? I know people will ask for more given it has far more uses now.

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You know what would be really useful, is if you could click on a Virtual Card and it will show the transactions made upon/via it. That would help me to work out which companies/subscriptions etc I’ve changed over to that VC (and will now have to move again to yet another VC, albeit taken from a Pot this time).