I may be going mad, but is that Jack, from the YT channel: RedditorYT
The question is will the launch be today…. ?
Why don’t you ask over here?
@jackcully have you been subtly adding more emoji to the title with each passing day? I’m sure it used to have less eyes
Me too.
Maybe it’s a message: is there more to see?
Would be crazy if we’d already rolled it out but really softly to make sure everything works and you all hadn’t noticed yet because you haven’t been on the Create-a-virtual-card screen (and made sure you’re on app version V3.99.0+)
Ahh that’s sneaky and now i’m annoyed, I’d been checking this randomly since release but only on the “Edit card” option which doesn’t let you choose the pay from. You made me delete a card just to see it, and low and behold it works!
Edit: Just so everyone remembers, can’t add to Apple Pay from TestFlight!
Will we have the ability to change existing cards rather than create a new one?
New feature works for me . On my Personal Account. But no Joint Account selection available
100% confirmation Joint Accounts are not (yet?) supported. So a cracking feature which I would use to-death, but can’t use it at all as the JA is our single, primary account.
Not for this release I’m afraid, we haven’t figured out what we’d do if you had a hanging pending transaction when you moved it
No worries, good to know!
This is wonderful
Wait, this is live now?
There’s a bug I have(Not sure if it already existed or not but i’ve only just seen it) on iOS. On the Virtual Debit cards overview screen, when you scroll down enough that the title “Virtual debit cards” goes to in the top bar with the back button, it snaps the page back down a bit and you have to rescroll up. It’s quite janky and not a nice experience when everything else is smooth, I can send a video if you can’t recreate.
As for the feature itself, cracking job, thank you, can we get an increase in vc limits? Pretty please ?
If it helps, we actually only released it about 5 minutes before I posted, but still!
Goes off to IFTTT to delete my weird pot arrangements!
One question as I don’t want to go outside and test this is it’s raining, will round ups still work the same?
So if I spend £6.50 at Tesco with my new virtual card in Apple Pay, will the 50p round down and go into roundups still?
I’m not on test flight and it’s not letting me add it to Apple Pay either
I’ve added to ApplePay fine, the screen where you do it shows it as done but it needs a press/pause and then it goes on itself