Our all-new Savings Pot is here 🎉

Hey everyone :wave:

I’m coming back to the community after the amazing support you all gave us which helped us win the British Bank Awards last year. Thank you so much!

I’m now the Product Marketing Manager for the Savings team. And I’m here with some exciting news :partying_face:

We’re launching an Instant Access Savings Pot

In a cost of living crisis, we know how important it is for you to get more from your money, especially your savings. To date, we’ve responded to this need through our Savings Marketplace that offers a range of savings products provided by external partners.

We’ve listened to feedback from you and other customers, and today I’m really excited to introduce the latest product coming from the Savings team - a Monzo-backed Instant Access Savings Pot :honey_pot:

It’s designed to give you the flexibility to grow your savings without having to wait around for your money when you need it.

How it works

Earn 3% AER a year, paid monthly into your Savings Pot :seedling:

An Instant Access Savings Pot earns you 3% AER (variable) every year, paid monthly into the Pot you create. It’s great for saving towards those short-term goals like building up an emergency fund or saving up for a holiday.

This is the rate on 14/02/2023. See the latest rates in the Monzo app.

Withdraw your money instantly, anytime :magic_wand:

Emergencies don’t wait, and neither should you. Instant Access Savings Pots are flexible, so you can take money out at any time. Withdrawals usually go into your Monzo account instantly.

There’s no minimum deposit :purse:

There’s no minimum deposit, and the maximum you can have in a Personal Instant Access Savings Pot and a Joint Instant Access Savings Pot is £100,000 each.

How to get started

Please note: we’re rolling out this product to Monzo customers starting today. So if you don’t see it in your Monzo app just yet, you’ll be getting it soon!

To open an Instant Access Savings Pot:

  1. Head to the Account tab or Overview in your Monzo app and tap Create Pot
  2. Select Savings and choose Instant access
  3. Name your Pot and pick an image
  4. We’ll explain how everything works, and ask you to agree to some terms and conditions (which we’ve written in plain English and takes less than five minutes to read)
  5. Make your first deposit or come back to this step later

And that’s it! Your Instant Access Savings Pot is open and ready to start earning you interest on your money.

Instant Access Savings Pots work seamlessly with some of our existing features too. You can choose to schedule deposits, turn on Round up payments or lock your Pot until a chosen date.

Let us know what you think!

We’d love for you to try it out and share your feedback. In the meantime, now’s a chance for you to say hello to some members of the Savings team. They’ll be introducing themselves in the comments below :point_down:

Stay tuned for more to come!



Looking forward to having all my money in one place!, again


I knew it!!


Hey :wave:

Following on from Buki’s post, I’m Sayjal. I’m a Writer at Monzo and I’ve been working on the words for this lovely new product :tada:

I can’t wait to see what you all think.



Farewell Chase, hello Monzo.

(well, when I get access, that is)


Soon as I can access it, i’ll let you know! i don’t get the new savings account flow yet on version:

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Way to beat Starling! :money_with_wings:

Although interesting to see what this will do to partnerships given they all seem to offer lower rates


Great work, tempted to move my emergency fund.


The fixed term offer higher rates, but my guess is they get to say :wave:

I always HATED that desposit to those accounts was instant, but withdrawal took 24 hours


Thank you, piece of cake and very quick to set up, savings moved over from over providers now.



Hi everyone :wave:

I’m Jack, one of the engineers who worked on this new savings product.

We are super excited to see people starting to use this and I really hope you like it!


Awesome to see, great to see these things being offered directly by Monzo!

I’ll probably move some of my easy-access savings over … Zopa beats this on the locked away ones, but this is a strong rate! Nice!

Can’t wait to get access … unless someone can bump me up the queue :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


I’m liking this new approach of getting the people involved in delivering new features to come to the thread and make themselves known.


I think this is being either A-B tested or is a queue like you say, as I don’t see the screen


I have it now :eyes:. Go check!


Guess I can close the 3rd party pots :soon:

It’s taken you guys a long bloody time to finally do it, but at least it’s here :pinched_fingers::raised_hands:


Still nothing, but I have a couple days notice left on my Zopa anyway. i’ll try in a few days, probably bogged down

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Great to see this!

However, I am a bit concerned to see that Premium customers still only get 1.5%… that seems a bit rubbish. Any plans to bring that over to the Premium tier?


Nothing for me yet, would love to try it out.