Notes from the prospectus

I read the prospectus. It was long. But interesting. I noticed this, which was kind of interesting:

It is envisaged that Gary Dolman will retire from Monzo’s Board upon the appointment of Alwyn Jones (CFO), the latter’s appointment being subject to regulatory approval.

Tom has 7.77% of the shares. I thought it would be a lot more tbh.

There was this about HMRC approval to manage ISAs (whatever that actually means - not sure if through a third party or not).

There’s also a fascinating paragraph on the “Monedo Dispute” - details of when Mondo became Monzo.

There’s plenty more besides; it’s a good read and much more comprehensive (because it’s a full prospectus) than the previous investment material. But it also goes back in time extensively, so you can see basically everything that has gone on in every facet historically, too.