No sound, vibrations or notifications

No sound, vibrations or notifications of transactions:

I’ve recently upgraded my phone to a TCL 10 and now I’m not getting any notifications or sound when I complete a transaction either on my sole account or joint account. My husband is still getting notifications. I checked all the settings on my phone and in the app and they are all set to allow notifications, please help:
TCL 10 Android, see below for details:



Hi Rachel

Welcome to the community!

Not come across TCL phones before. To me, TCL was just a scripting language till a minute ago

First refuge of a scoundrel I admit, but have you tried uninstalling and installing the app again?

If so, then we move on with trying to work out what is going on

Follow up thoughts, if that does not help

  1. Are you getting notification sounds from other apps? You probably do, as I imagine you would have noticed and mentioned, but rule that one out

  2. What do you have connected via Bluetooth? Any chance that the sound is going there instead of the in-built speaker?

Hi, all others apps are fine, yes tried uninstalling and reinstalling and not connected to anything with Bluetooth, Bluetooth is on but it wasn’t working when Bluetooth was not on either.

Thanks for trying to help, much appreciated.

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You are most welcome

This is a puzzling one then

Might well be worth dropping :mondo: a message in the app so they can take a look

I don’t know how to do that, I can’t that option, it just brings me here to the community pages. Thanks though.

Go to the help section in the app and if there isn’t a help article type ‘contact support’ to get the option to contact support

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Can you post the screenshot of when you tap on Account Credited from your third image please?

Or at least check that, that the following screen looks like mine, ie bits switched on

Just a thought :thinking:

Thanks all, I spoke to Monzo who told me it was because my battery optimisation settings were on in the app settings on my phone and it needed to be switched off. I’ve done this and now I’m getting the notifications.


Great to hear Rachel

Thanks for reporting back to us as well

One to add to the collective memory for next time this sort of issue comes up here