Next iOS update?


When is the next iOS update due and what will be in it? Just thought we’d not had an update for a while now…

This is what’s next… (from the current TestFlight version)

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Oh cool - when is it out?

As with all Monzo app releass, there is no set date. Just a case of when it’s ready. This release had a bug in, where by being logged in, the app would crash. Once the bugs are fixed the update will be released :pray:


Coincidentally, I moved into a new house on the day of the release! It took a whole 20 seconds to change my address … very smooth. :sunglasses:


No issue with my test flight:) all good

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: New TestFlight testers?

A post was merged into an existing topic: New TestFlight testers?

So what is in the next test flight release then?

Bug fixes :bug: :bug: