📰 UK banks can now clear cheques in a day - Engadget

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I’m sure a lot of people will be pushing for Monzo to implement this, I personally think its a great idea.

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I shall be pushing Apple to retain RS232 ports, because legacy is the future.


Prepaid, credit, and debit cards are legacy. Mobile payments are the future :wink::grinning:

…right up until your mobile runs out of battery and goes dead. Then prepaid, credit and debit cards are the future. Along with RS232 ports.


Didn’t Sky used to have RS232 ports on their boxes up until about 2 years ago?

WTF? They’ve got rid of them?

The Sky is the limit

Yea man

Blurred for lulz

All running on IBM Token Ring network? :wink:

Perfect preparation prevents poor performance, thus my mobile never runs out of bat


According to this poll on MSE, 16 people aged 50-64 have never paid with a cheque. I find that hard to believe.