Copying O2 who set up a bank in Germany!
Aren’t Orange one of the backers in the next round of Monzo fund raising? Hmmmmm
Good point, yes they are
Not sure what your guys opinion is, but I trust Monzo, Barclays, Natwest more with my money than a bank that is not fully commited of being a bank (e.g. Co-Op, Orange, O2).
Once Monzo is a full bank I will obviously be fully using their service.
My experience with Barclays in the 80s was not good. I left them for First Direct soon after FD started and I’ve been with them ever since. FD have served my needs until now. NatWest conned my (then 77 year old) mother very soon after my dad died, so I’m no fan of them either. From what I’ve seen of Monzo so far I do feel I’m going to get an improved customer experience once they start offering full banking facilities so I’ll be running both Monzo and FD accounts until I feel I’m ready to fully migrate to Monzo.
Sorry to hear that. I have mainly have good experience so far. One outage where I couldent pay but thats all.
I get where you are coming from with this, regarding the two telecoms diversifying, but I wouldn’t tar the Co-operative Bank with the same brush. Although it is up for sale currently, it has existed for 140 years and I have used it and trusted it’s ethics for over 40 of them. I’m not alone; since it’s partial sale a couple of years ago a Customer Union has formed aimed at preserving its ethos.
Interesting, wasn’t aware of the Co-Op Banks history. Wasn’t planning to offend it either.
The Co-operative bank has had real issues with mismanagement regardless of any good ethos they may have. So much so that senior staff have been forced out of the firm. While they may be known for not investing in certain industries that does not make them any more efficient or trustworthy, and indeed the merger with Britannia is one example of a poor business decision that nearly killed the company.
I wouldn’t worry - they have certainly managed to offend themselves just lately (as MIROW points out).
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