New Limits!

Are you already on the enhanced verification limits as posted at the top of this thread? If not, contact support via in-app chat and you may get those limits raised.


Are the limits the same across pre-paid and current account? Only asking as I have a query re the transfer limits but before raising want to check the current account will be the same…

@jshrager Current Account limits are much higher and only reflect functionalities available in the app (so for example, there are no limits). Text in the app mentions that it will be tweaked and all. From app, it’s currently set to:
ATM limit daily £400
ATM limit monthly £5,500
Outbound Faster Payments limit daily £10,000
Card transaction limit daily £1,000 £10,000

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@Avishai thanks that makes sense re Faster Payments limits - was concerned they were quite low but could only see the prepaid limits as I’m waiting for my current account debit card to arrive!

daily card transaction limit on mine is £10,000 I presume yours is mis type ?


Same here:



@Dunsford, @anon95680666 Yes, I don’t know how I retyped it wrong! :smiley: Fixed in the original post.


Quick update on current account limits - ATM withdrawal limits are now enforced at £400 a day and £5,500 a month :+1:


why can’t I withdraw as much of my money as I want?

Wow or £66k per annum!! £500 a day would have felt better for me but you are £100 above Starling.
If I take cash out it’s usually to pay tradespeople lately.

A question a thief asks all the time…


sorry i’m new. what are the limits as things stand? haven’t payed the initial 100 for the card yet and just want to make sure

The limits are set out in the T&Cs:


Don’t all banks have ATM limits? But this question raises a fair enough point. In the event that I need access to my money in cash form without much delay. What are my options as a monzo customer? With legacy banks I can visit their branch to circumvent ATM limits by withdrawing over the counter.

I’m aware this is not a regular experience, have monzo thought of an equivalent to cover this over the counter large sum withdrawal?

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I can think of a few scenarios for this. Cash based private second hand car sales.

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