Natwest Chat

My fave story this week was the staff at Apple Regent St clapping and cheering a guy into the store who queued up on launch day.

He only popped in to get a new charger and seemed pretty bemused :joy:


Don’t like it. Would be better if she actually paid – this way it looks like the waiter is the one spending euros?

Yeah it’s very Gen Z advert tbh. Very very simple advert

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I misread the first line as ‘Travel like a chump’

I’ll sound like an old man shouting at clouds but I hate how the world is simplifying to cater to Gen Z’s limited attention span.

The proliferation of shorts on every platform, the near-death of long-form video content due to algorithm bias, and over-simplified content and adverts.


It is overly simple for no real reason.

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I find even TikTok to be quite GenZ ish. Have always refused to make an account :smiley:

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Doesnt really bother me. It is probably designed to be short to people actually pay attention to its message. It gets its point across. Dont really see the issue.

I still don’t have the Natwest Travel Account even though I have a Mastercard and have quite a good history with Natwest.

Boomers Rule OK!


Even Spotify is doing it…

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Noticed today you can view receipts on the Natwest app (iOS)
(removed details)


Does that work for everywhere or does the company have to support it? Dumb question I know

Right now I can only see it on my BA purchase so I guess the company have to support it, however I can’t seem to find anything online about it.

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Airlines have always sent a lot of information I believe, so in theory banks can show a lot of information from flights booked. They just don’t usually.

Many years ago I’m sure there was a thread on this… with someone at Monzo explaining what information comes from a transaction but that most retailers don’t pass over the information, but that airlines often did.

Not sure what other types of retailers do though.

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Yes - Supplementary Data.

A few use cases detailed in addition to airlines also.

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I don’t know about you guys but the service today in the Natwest Branch was super nice.

After the chaos unfolding with my boyfriends Metro Bank Credit Card we went into the Natwest branch to ask some questions about moving things over and also upgrading his account to the Premier from Select and everyone was so lovely and really nice.

When we went into a office to upgrade the account to Premier we got offered Tea or Coffee and was talked through the accounts and then upgrading everything was super easy and the was just lovely.

I’ve been a Natwest Customer for almost 10 years now and haven’t delt with them much in Branch but I found it really good and look forward to using it in the future.,


Not Natwest but RBS Premier gave me a call 2 days ago asking if they could help with anything. They was very nice over the phone tbh


I’m glad to hear you had a good experience. I always found NatWest a good experience the few times I went in.

They used to also call me in for regular financial reviews.