Multi account's with individual cards

Hi, I am still very new to monzo and not totally understood what I can do with my account yet.

Can you only have one account with monzo?

I am aware they do the savings pots that are great but to have an option to have an additional card with them would be amazing.

I guess its just as easy to transfer funds on the app but if I accidently didn’t have my phone and needed money from another pot I won’t be able to access it.

One personal account, one joint account, and one business account.

Ok so I can have my own personal account and Olson open a separate joint account ?

Didn’t think I could do this

You need to have a personal account and then you can create a joint account with someone else who has a Monzo account.

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I thought I would have to join my personal account and not get a separate one.

Oh well, once I get use to everything it shouldn’t be an issue

Thank you for your reply