Monzo's environmental impact

This would be great.

Even from a cynical point of view, it makes loads of sense for Monzo to be a carbon neutral company since it would be a really good PR.

A couple of things I can think of off the top of my head:

  • “Monzo and the environment” section of the which listed stuff like the things @Rika posted.

  • All Monzo offices powered by 100% renewable energy.

  • A public commitment to become a net carbon neutral company by a certain year.

    • The carbon neutral figure should include the CO2 produced in the following: production of Monzo cards, running the servers Monzo use, energy to run offices, production of tech given to members of Monzo staff (eg: computers). Any unavoidable emissions could be offset by supporting carbon reduction projects around the world.
  • Monzo could also allow Monzo customers to offset the emissions due to their account by paying a fee which Monzo direct to carbon reduction projects.