Monzo's Android Downloads Surpass 500k 🎉

Just had a nosey on the play store and would you look at that… Seems that Monzo has been installed on 500,000 Android devices! (Somehow) … :thinking:

If this is true (not sure how recently those figures were checked) then it would indicate some sort of discrepancy! :exploding_head:
There’s 880k users listed on Monzo’s site, I know somebody with user number 964k (which almost definitely points towards closed accounts / non-upgraders from prepaid) and if the split between iOS and Android is roughly 70/30 … Then I guess Google are failing at counting devices correctly :joy: or lots of people are installing the Monzo app on multiple devices for some reason?

Not sure!

… I’m tired and can’t read, but I’ll leave it in because I’ve written it now :joy::joy: that’s download count, I guess even a reinstall of the app counts towards that? :joy:

Either way, congrats to Monzo on reaching half a million downloads on the Android platform :tada::tada::tada: here’s to another half million :beers::clinking_glasses:


It must be. We don’t have 500,000 individual Android users - yet!


Or it could be that international people download the app and then remove it when they can’t create an account.

Is the listing restricted to just the UK?



We need a pie chart! :joy::yum:

Apple Vs Android users on Monzo :pie::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::bar_chart:


is there any data on closed accounts
Apple v Android ?


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