Monzo Premium - Other accounts in export

Monzo Premium user here, the auto-export of transactions to Google Sheets is great, but it would be amazing if I could combine this with my linked accounts (E.g. American Express) to get the ‘full picture’ and track my overall spending - even if these transactions are not categorised in the same way.


Pretty sure you can achieve what you want with Yolt for free


Probably can, but I like to think if Monzo are able to add features in their own app, more people would appreciate it. Same goes with things like the credit score checker, phone insurance, travel insurance etc which Monzo now all offer in app, all things you can do elsewhere :man_shrugging:


Another Monzo Premium user here. Has there been any updates on this? It’d really be incredibly useful to be able to be able to see the transactions of my linked accounts included in the Google Sheet as well <3
