Monzo plus not loading 2022 trends


Details to reproduce:
App Version:


Despite the lack of OS/Device/App Version info provided, that looks normal - just tap on the month you want to see and the Trends details will show for that monthly period. That screen also allows you to set the Trends reporting period - in your example, from the 1st (or before if the 1st falls on a non-workday)

I think they mean the top right arrow is greyed out so it’s only showing 2021, can’t look at current year

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Mine doesn’t either, possibly because your cycle date hasn’t passed yet?

The December 2021 trends would be the latest at this point in time, would they not? So it may be one of those things that looks odd at first glance, but is NotABug.

Once another month has passed and the Jan trends have been generated, then there should be something to click, no?

I think you can usually see it midway. One of those things I’m not sure of with either way.

Usually I can see the transactions for the month as they happen within Trends.

Hence its weird that I cannot see January 2022 transactions.

Maybe that’s the way it’s designed. Just feels weird

Thank you for the detailed follow-up. In that case:

Details to reproduce: Tap on Trends
OS: All, apparently
Device: Android phone/iOS phone/tablet
App Version: All-the-Versions

Screenshots: Android version example to compliment the iOS versions:

Happy New Year :tada:

If I set the reset date to a day that has already passed. Seems to solve the problem.


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I guess the month selector is the month the period starts in.

Can’t decide if that’s intuitive or not.

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Said it here first. :joy:

I’m sure @Revels clarified first?

Nope, or in some secret indirect way which was in no way transparent, only regarding current year.

Choosing a date that has lapsed, or passed in my terms, would allow January 2022 to show.

This is :exploding_head: tackle.

My December 2021 selection shows my (selected December) Trends activity up to 24th Jan 2022, so once I hit 24-Jan-2022, the new cycle dates (24-Jan - 24/25-Feb) should kick in and show in Trends.

Back to 1955, Marty :clock:

Similar to this? Meaning it covers up to the end of the week of your chosen cycle date.

Is a bit bizarre.

I long for the day it’s just a trend from chosen reset date to end of following month.

I guess the difficultly there would be how do you show a graph of 30/31 days in smaller segments opposed to the weekly aspect that it does now.

A single line graph would possibly work better, and place your finger on the points you wish to view, which would then load the transactions below so you can see what was paid there (pulled from transactions date)

Mine covers 17th Dec to 18th Jan but there’s an additional 9 days added in when it’s totalled in weeks.
