Thanks for (as usual) such a useful and reflective post. I think I agree with most, if not all, of it.
This is important and is something that’s been bugging me. Right now, Monzo Plus doesn’t feel so much like it’s been designed to solve problems - more that it’s an amalgam of things that they think will make money. So, as we saw over on the thoughts on Monzo Plus design thread, we get features for their own sake, rather than as part of a broader plan.
That said, I have worried for a few years that Monzo doesn’t seem to have absolute excellence in its DNA: by which I mean, features are always nice, but they never seem to go one step beyond to delight. So, for example, things like connected accounts work well - but the extra features that would make it excellent: easy two-way transfers between the two, enriched data, ability to add notes or categories, just aren’t there. Now there’s nothing wrong with that, but I’ve always hoped that Monzo would do more.
And so it is for the Google Sheets export. Past history suggests that it won’t be iterated on: but part of me still hopes that it can become something exceptionally important and useful. If Monzo realises the power of what they’ve created and has some imagination about what next.