Monzo, please come to (Belgium) and bring us (all your features)!

I live in Belgium, but I’ve been following Monzo for a while now.
I’ve recently been to my bank to arrange a joint account with my girlfriend and noticed the big difference with all the features Monzo offers.
So, being curious: if you live outside of the UK, what is the current state of your bank and Fintech in your country? What features would you look forward to most?

I’ll go first:
Monzo, please come to Belgium :belgium: and bring us:
:dart: The superb automatic spending overview (right now it’s a real pain to track, lot’s of manual work)
:hugs: The service & peace of mind that comes with having your bank on top of everything (right now, I’d have to go to the local bank office to close an account or cancel a card permanently - not even thinking about being contacted when an airline goes bust)
:arrows_counterclockwise: CASS. I know this is a UK thing and probably not really Monzo specific, but boy what a great idea is this service.

Bonus points for the transparancy & communication :heart: In comparison: when I opened a business account (for a very small business), I was put on the most expensive plan + card. It was only after the first couple of times the fee was deducted, that I noticed the actual costs. Switched to the cheapest plan and cancelled the physical card, now I’m paying about 20% of the original fee :money_with_wings:


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