Monzo Payment account reference hidden and hard to edit

Very difficult to edit the REFERENCE field when making a payment. It is critical this is correct as it often contains credit card account numbers.

If the target account cannot be verified they Monzo warning messages hide the Reference field making it difficult to edit or select and edit from the drop down list. I nearly sent money to the wrong account as it is difficult to see and check. In the photo the field I am actually editing or changing keeps getting hidden by the warning. Not visible for confirmation.

Details to reproduce:
Make a payment on a unverified target account and try to select AND edit previous reference details.

OS: apple
**Device:**iphone 12S
App Version: 3.71.0#716


Just in case anyone from Monzo sees the post and in case it’s possibly only affecting certain screen sizes, which iPhone 12 do you have? Your post says 12S but there isn’t a 12S.

Yeah I was about to say the same thing. That phone looks tiny.

If you tap “Done” then the keyboard will disappear and then you can see the reference field?

I guess without realising you have the wrong reference though because it’s hidden from view, you could accidentally press confirm and then it’s too late.

There’s another screen after that where you confirm all the details are correct before sending.

There isn’t

I’m glad I put my own details in as I just sent my other account some money, thinking I’d get to another screen :rofl:

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I did it yesterday and could have sworn there is :thinking:

I had to check and I knew there was. Not sure why you didn’t get this screen?

So the steps were

  1. Enter account details
  2. Confirm because the name doesnt match - it’s not a scam
  3. Then the below screen

I don’t have any of the new labs things turned on, is that new? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a screen like that before.

Been like that for as long as I can remember. It’s not an Android vs. IOS thing again is it? :confused:

Looks like it might be :pensive:

I think it is :frowning:

Oh no what have I done :rofl: :see_no_evil:


I think this is a pretty key one!

No wonder people send with the wrong references etc!

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Yeah that’s so odd.

I already hate doing bank transfers through fear of getting just one digit wrong and it going to someone else. So not having a final screen to check it all over is just wrong :confused:

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I think this is just down to the size of your phone screen.

If you close the keyboard down you should see the reference field pretty clearly.

For comparison mine looks like this:

And with the keyboard open:

I see iOS people have the step numbers in the top right corner - can we add this to the Android parity list please :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh no… :android: Widgets anyone?

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Ops 11S. Thank you.