Monzo Labs: Bills Pots 🍯

Will it trigger a second time when it’s no longer the last working day?


It should look like this, but instead of a small image in the corner for the category, it should be a small image (perhaps in another corner) to show the pot it came from.

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+1 for roundup style feed for this


Nope, it’s basically a month counter done by the pay period. The counter goes from 1 to 12 for each pay period and then resets. The A1 formula is =IF(B1<C1,MONTH(B1)-1,FALSE()), which means if the date in B1 =DATE(YEAR(NOW()),MONTH(NOW()),DAY(NOW())) is less than C1 (the formula I pasted in before that calculates the next payday), it returns the month value for the previous month, which is when I was last paid (so it will return 8 as of today). When payday hits, the counter will roll up to 9 and so on. You can take a look here

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How are you getting your balance into the sheet (assuming that’s what you described?)?

Has worked a treat for me so far. Love it.

Continuing the conversation over here.

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Yep, this.

Just like a round up, but the small image in the right top corner is the pot its come from. Would look so much sleeker than the + and - cycle.

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Got my first scheduled payment form a pot tomorrow, it’s all set up and correct money in the pot etc. Just had this notification which I would expect to see anymore, not sure if this is expected behaviour. image

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That has always been an issue :slightly_frowning_face:

Just like if you have a BACs payment due the same day, it doesn’t account for those either so you get the same message.


I know I am late to this, but Total amount going out in this salary cycle would be really important. I get paid 4 weekly so the “standard” options of monthly/weekly are not useful in most circumstances.

And for those asking; yes getting paid 13 times is both great (in August when I get paid twice) and a complete nightmare when trying to budget (against standing orders which are all monthly on a fixed date).


Just tried this for the first time and it was rubbish. I took my salary one day early yesterday and had 3 scheduled pot deposits for today as well as DDs set up from all three pots. All the DDs were claimed before the pot deposits went through so they were paid from my account balance. Now I have to manually move money back from the pots to cover the DDs.

Did I do something wrong which I haven’t spotted in the thread?

Just checked back to payday and transfers to pots are at around 3am. I looked for the time direct debit debit and that is 3am also.

Therefore it looks like Monzo have not adjusted the timings. Monzo try to do all credits to your account first during the night and then the debits. Withdrawing from pots seem to happen at around 2:30am to align with debit of the main account at 3am. It looks like transfers to pots are treated like external debits so go at that time - 3am.

Monzo msy need to look at pot timings which the easiest would be to move external account debits to 3:30am or 4am so that it does not mess with money moving around pots via standing orders.

Worked ok for me this morning. 3:30am money was taken out of the bills pot and then moved to main account and then the DD was then claimed. All happened within the same minute but in the right order.

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Agree with this. Instead of having a bills pot at all, just having left to spend reflecting all scheduled payments would be enough I think as what we want to know is what we can safely spend.

But did you have payments to bills pots on the same day like I described?

Tiggerish that might be so if you’re lucky enough to be paid on a schedule that Monzo recognises (a Monzo approved payday pattern if you will). Unfortunately I’m paid fortnightly (not an approved pattern) and have almost all my bills etc. paid by DD/SO on a fixed monthly date. This means that for 50% of the time my left to spend is needlessly freaking out. The bills pot has been a great simplifier for me (total my bills for 12 months, divide by 26 paydays in a year and set that aside each fortnight).
Now if only SO from bill pots would hurry up and arrive so I can remove about a third of my scheduled payments (pot -> main account for the SOs).


Not specific to bills pots, but would be really nice if I could change the order the pots are displayed on the screen. I’m unsure why I want this, but I know I do!


Pretty sure payments to pots happens after the time DDs are taken

Hopefully salary sorter will do this (wild speculation time about what it will do)

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Hi all!

Really happy to see this feature implemented and (weirdly) looking forward to the 1st of next month to see it in action. I understand it is for DD and SO’s will come soon.

However, I note one thing, sometimes a merchant uses a repeating debit card payment (for me it is Spotify) and this is every month, same time and same amount. However as it is not a DD or SO I cannot add.

Wanted to let you know for consideration and possible future implementation.

Sorry if it has been mentioned earlier - had no time to read through everything at the moment.

Happy banking! :grinning:
