This is a wiki crowdsourced by the Monzo Community to help you travel with Monzo.
Just like Wikipedia, anyone can edit it to help out others. If you have any tips or feedback for visiting Morocco with Monzo, please feel free to edit this guide. You can also add a comment or question below — someone will then incorporate your comment into the main text below and then delete your comment. To create your own “Monzo in …” guide if one doesn’t already exist, just copy this template into a new post and write away!
Safe travels!
Morocco uses the Moroccan Dirham.
Monzo users pay the Mastercard exchange rate with no added fees.
Change is relatively rare so whenever possible, try to break your bigger notes into smaller notes — this is much easier in large department stores and international chains.
Card usage
Debit card readers are relatively uncommon in Morocco. Some upscale restaurants and bars, as well as large supermarkets like Carrefour, will allow you to pay by card, but you should always carry cash.
ATMs in Marrakesh, Tamraght and Agadir seem to generally support Monzo cards. ATMs are common throughout the country and any mid-sized town has at least one. They generally only dispense Dirhams but there are a few in Marrakesh that will dispense other currencies.
There are ATMs in the arrivals hall at Marrakesh Airport, but they don’t seem to support Monzo cards. You can exchange GBP in the arrivals hall.
Payment and withdrawal limits
All Monzo cards have some payment and withdrawal limits. To check yours before you leave, tap “Account” under the picture of your card and then “Spending and card limits”.
Crowdsourced merchant data
As a less popular tourist destination than many countries, the Monzo merchant data is often incorrect (eg. the map shows the wrong location or the name of the place is not correct). Please submit improvements to this data so it can get better for future visitors.
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