🇭🇺 Monzo in Hungary [Discussion]

I’m travelling to Hungary this April, and I was wondering if anybody knows how a UK Monzo card will behave when you try to make a contactless&PIN payment over £30. I’ve noticed that a lot of card terminals seem to be contactless-only, with no slot to take a chip&PIN payment. Does the UK hard £30 limit still apply when I’m in Hungary?

I’m also wondering whether Google Pay will work, given that it’s not supported by any Hungarian banks.

Someone mentioned this above :point_up_2:

Note that the spending limits are different from the UK: for any amount you can just touch, but for amounts above 5000HUF (about 14 quid) will have to enter your PIN.

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I saw that, and I know that’s how Hungarian cards work. What I’m asking is, will this work with a UK card? Normally you can’t use UK cards at all for contactless transactions over £30.

I’ve had problems using a UK card like this before, so I’d like to know if anybody has personal experience with transactions using contactless&PIN for values over £30 using a UK card.

Does anybody know if banks charge a fee for withdrawing cash ? Thanks in advance.

None that I have used did, and I have visited extensively. Cards are widely accepted in most establishments.

My tip. Buy a travel card 1,2,3,7 day at Bkv in airport terminal (small kiosk behind Budapest card at airport arrivals) contactless works here £13.75 7 day pass for all public transport including 200e airport bus to 1st stop Metro3.metro,tram,bus, trolley bus urban trains,boat taxi,and night bus.

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Could someone confirm that Google pay is accepted in Budapest?

It’s not accepted per se, but it should be accepted everywhere contactless payments are (just like Apple Pay). You won’t be able to benefit of the higher transaction limits, just the standard £30

Thanks for your reply. What is the transaction limit for an iphone.

If you use it as standard contactless (no cardholder verification) it’s £30 for both google and Apple Pay but if the terminal supports G/Apple Pay there isn’t a limit as the cardholder is verified by fingerprint/Face ID. It’s not as commonplace as I’d like it to be yet, only a few places in UK support it that I’ve seen.

But contactless technology is fairly commonplace in Hungary so I think you should be able to pay up to the limit (whatever that is in Hungary)

Maybe have a card as a backup in any case?