Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

For all we know, get paid early might be battering the Monzo servers - a new infrastructure could be planned.

I have an incoming payment due on Tuesday which has shown on my feed this morning. It still has the ‘check back at 4pm’ box, so it looks like it is still active - even when running 3.28.0

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We’ll have to see once 4pm comes around :crossed_fingers: I’m going to try and avoid updating before 4pm, just in case. I really need the payments I can claim at 4pm today :smiley:

The cost of that must be tiny though, yes they are giving you about 12 hours interest free credit, but if you spend in card settlement is days away(so Monzo won’t have really lent anything) it’s only be cash withdrawals and faster payments which would cause Monzo to lose out

I wonder if perhaps the stats regarding payments being recalled has crept up meaning the risk to them is higher

I claimed two early payments yesterday no problem

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It just occurred to me, is removing a deep link the same as removing a feature, or does it simply mean that the feature can now only be accessed through the in-app flow and not directly through the deep link?

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Not sure, I mean it could be that Monzo will just pull all such payments forward without the user doing anything. So the get paid early button goes, but you’re still paid early

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If that is the case I would think they should send out an app notification stating this.

Acceptable if the reason but needs to transparent and communicated properly to everyone rather than sneaked in

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Agreed, but this is all speculation right now and we could all have the wrong end of the stick :slight_smile:


but there is nothing else to do at the moment … :slight_smile:

Is it possible that the early payment could be automatic, therefore making the ‘claiming’ of early payment redundant?


I’m intrigued by all of the new intercom strings and ids :thinking:


<string name="intercom_notification_channel_actions_title">Actions</string>
<string name="intercom_notification_channel_chat_replies_description">Reply notifications from chats in this app</string>
<string name="intercom_notification_channel_chat_replies_title">Chat replies</string>
<string name="intercom_notification_channel_new_chats_description">New chat messages sent from this app</string>
<string name="intercom_notification_channel_new_chats_title">New chats</string>
<string name="intercom_number_is_incorrect">"That number doesn't look quite right"</string><string name="intercom_reload">Reload</string><string name="intercom_see_all">See all</string>
<string name="intercom_see_past_conversations">See previous</string><string name="intercom_something_went_wrong_try_again">Something went wrong. Try again.</string>
<string name="intercom_start_a_conversation">Start a conversation</string><string name="intercom_string_is_incorrect">"That doesn't look quite right"</string>
<string name="intercom_submit">Submit</string>

Splitting chat out into separate conversations? :thinking:


I thought they ditched Intercom for most of their chats and went with a in-house system?

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Indeed, that’s why it’s intriguing. Hopefully it’ll mean returning to a ticket style chat system, as @Ordog alluded to :crossed_fingers:

Super quick heads up :wave: I’m asking about the couple of changes in this weeks’ release :hot_coral_heart:

(Deep link removal & Intercom additions) - both confused me but I don’t believe it’s anything to read into :pray: I’ll shout in here once I’ve found out what’s what :relieved:

We don’t use Intercom in the app anymore, we use Monzo chat so I’m honestly not sure why there have been changes to the Intercom strings & assets :yum:

And I don’t think we still use those deep links to trigger paid early when you press the button on an upcoming Bacs payment :eyes: but both of these are unofficial until I hear back from the smart folks who made the changes in the app :wink:


Many would have a stick with a fork on the end :slight_smile:

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Thanks for looking at this, looking forward to the update!

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I’ve just claimed a payment early @ 4pm and it worked as normal (and I’m on 3.28.0), so operationally it remains the same.


And the chat bot looks much the same as well

@nexusmaniac, are you still using Intercom for the emails?

Chat isn’t going anywhere :yum:

We do still use intercom for emails :raised_hands: