Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

Ahhh my bad, forgot to look at that bit :laughing:

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New & Updated Assets:

Version: 2.50.0 :tada:

paid_early_bird pay_early_wallet_back pay_early_wallet_closed pay_early_wallet_front pay_early_wallet_full

All the assets are named with “pay_early_” loan related?


Or Monzo Plus :laughing: :speak_no_evil:

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I need in on this!

Okay so the pay early stuff looks pretty cool! :money_mouth_face:

Here is some more info:

 <string name="pay_early_add_to_wallet_instructions">Drag the money into the wallet</string>
 <string name="pay_early_done_action">Thanks</string>
 <string name="pay_early_done_body">We’ve put your salary into your account one day early.</string>
 <string name="pay_early_done_title">Done!</string>
 <string name="pay_early_intro_action">Next</string>
 <string name="pay_early_intro_body">Get your salary paid into Monzo, and we’ll put it into your account a day early at 4 PM. No catches, just more time with your money.</string>
 <string name="pay_early_intro_title">Get paid a day early</string>
 <string name="pay_early_intro_toolbar_action">How it works</string>

It looks like a little incentive for paying your salary into Monzo!


Its bacs payments clearing at 4pm the day before they would normally clear, according to the diff


How will this work with bacs payments due on a monday i wonder :thinking: paid in 3 days early?

Ooo I want to know more!!

I’ve just had a notification appear in app (IOS) offering me £25 if I have my salary paid in…but am self employed, so don’t have a regular salary…


Well spotted.

To add some context, let’s see who can figure out the answer to this question:

Monzo employees get paid on the 26th of the month.
But this month, over 150 staff members got paid on the 23rd instead.

Why? :grinning:


26th is a sunday, they’d normally be paid 24th (Friday) but because of this feature they got paid a day early :wink:


26th is a Sunday, working day before is the 24th, with this new feature you can get paid a day early? :eyes:

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Will this apply to accounts of all types (or just personal?), for all BACS payments? Or will the app attempt to look at the largest regular incoming payment as salary?


They’ll have to detail more about which BACS payments, but it will definitely only be BACS as they’re the only ones known in advance


Seems from today that a surprising number of people get their salary by FPS, so they’ll be out of luck again!

I used to get paid via FPS, it’s so cool seeing my salary at the top of my Monzo feed before it goes into the account :blush:

Even nicer when it gets paid on the 23rd instead of the 26th for some reason :wink:

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Didn’t this use to happen when the current account first launched but was rectified?

I think that was direct debits sent a day early.

Correct! And we were all very pleased that it actually worked!

Next step is what you’re starting to see now… design the assets and the user flow and get it in the app! Our staff MVP had no associated graphics, just a deep link and a splash screen to opt in :blush:


How does this work? Are Monzo kinda lending the money in advanced as they know it’s somewhat guaranteed to go in the next day? :exploding_head: