Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

I don’t like seeing Hot Chip sad :cry:


I hope sad hot chip only appears if you choose to close your account :cry:


You’re on the money! :wink:

sget v1, Lcom/monzo/closeaccount/na;->ic_hot_chip_sad:I

Closing an account will invoke sad Hot Chip :cry:


This is 1000% more preferable to sad hot chip appearing when you run out of money :joy:


I feel like that’s less sad Hot Chip and “More I’m not angry just disappointed” Hot Chip :rofl:


Making users who are tempted to leave monzo feel guilty, good work hot chip :grin: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Need to have an animated single tear for that sad Hot Chip for full effect :grinning:


And his children in the background starving and homeless?

For context: One of many Trustpilot reviews like this:


You mean baby hot Chip :rofl: Now we just need to do photoshop of Hot coral in various famous scenes :rofl:

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Version: 2.44.1 :tada:


Nothing I can read :innocent: but something I can interpret :eyes:

Monzo 2.44.1\smali_classes3\com\monzo\feed\totals
There’s a new directory filled with Smali code :stuck_out_tongue: it’s called Totals FeedTotalsActivity I’m guessing this might form part of the upcoming UI change :smiley: namely, the balance at the top of the new feed :yum:

Deep Links:

None this time :slight_smile:


Nothing new :slight_smile:

Feature Flags:

These are new :sparkles:

<boolean name="monzo_points_enabled_v2" value="false" />
<boolean name="savings_issue_enabled_OakNorth_2019_04_18_Flexible" value="false" />

These have changed :white_check_mark:

<boolean name="inbox_carousel_enabled" value="true" />
<boolean name="monzo_plus_visible" value="true" />

Version: 2.45.0 :tada:


<string name="account_available_balance">Available balance</string>

I’m guessing this forms a part of the new UI? :blush: The balance is now front & center on the home screen :raised_hands:

<string name="add_money_option_salary_desc">Get paid into your Monzo account for better budgeting and no more fuss with adding money.</string>
<string name="add_money_option_salary_title">Salary</string>

There’s a feature_flag for adding salary :thinking: I’m really not sure where this will appear yet :joy: I’m assuming it’ll let new / existing users know that you can pay your salary into Monzo :slight_smile:

<string name="change_repayment_choose_date_button">Review Changes</string>
<string name="change_repayment_choose_date_button_done">done</string>
<string name="change_repayment_current_day_radio_option">Keep current date (%s)</string>
<string name="change_repayment_custom_date_radio_option">Custom date</string>
<string name="change_repayment_custom_date_radio_option_selected">Custom date (%s)</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_button_text">More info</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_confirmation_subtitle">Your next loan repayment will go out monthly on the %s.</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_confirmation_title">All Done</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_info">Choose the date you’d like your loan repayments to come out. They currently come out on the %s of every month.</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_radio_group_header">Select repayment date</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_summary_body">Circumstances change and we’ve got your back. However, bear in mind that you can change your repayment date just once, after that you’ll need to speak to one of our COps if you have difficulties.</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_summary_dialog_message">Changing your repayment date will affect your payment schedule and the interest you pay, making your last repayment a little bigger (or smaller) than the original schedule.</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_summary_dialog_title">You accrue interest daily</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_summary_header">Total left to pay</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_summary_title">Good to know</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_toolbar_subtitle">For your %s loan</string>
<string name="change_repayment_date_toolbar_title">Choose a date</string>

Seems that instalment loans are here in full-force!! :boom: I’m sure these will be very handy for some :moneybag:

<string name="home_menu_inbox">Notification Centre</string>

Notification Centre is here on Android :sunglasses: this will be the home for new Monzo notifications! Now your main transaction feed will be even tidier :sunglasses:

<string name="inbox_empty_state_emoji" />
<string name="inbox_empty_state_subtitle">There’s nothing in your inbox</string>
<string name="inbox_empty_state_title">You’re all caught up</string>

Surprise… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: There’s an emoji in your Inbox when it’s blank :wink:

<string name="loan_summary_difference">That’s {difference} more than your original loan</string>

<string name="loan_summary_next_repayment">"Next repayment: {repayment}

<string name="manage_loan_change_repayment_date_subtitle">Currently on the %s</string>
<string name="manage_loan_change_repayment_date_title">Change repayment date</string>

Some extra configuration for those loan repayments :tada:

<string name="monzo_plus_payments_section_title">Payments</string>
<string name="monzo_plus_payments_total_left_title">Total left to pay</string>

Monzo Plus looks (nearly?) ready for us Android folks! :grin::grin:

<string name="pot_class_multiple_fixed_savings_durations">Withdraw on a fixed date</string>
<string name="pot_class_subtitles_fixed_savings">"Withdraw in %1$s

Little bit more clarity on fixed savings withdrawals :blush: tidy up of the subtitle too.

Your Monzo has seen a nice change!

Deep Links:

None this time :slight_smile:

But check out monzo://your_monzo & monzo://monzo_plus_signup :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Brand new :boom:

image image

Tweaked / renamed :slight_smile:

image image image image

There have been some losses! :eyes: Amex & Barclaycard assets have been removed from the app :eyes:

Feature Flags:

These are new :sparkles:

<boolean name="energy_switch_carousel_test" value="false" />
<boolean name="add_money_salary_enabled" value="false" />
<boolean name="new_overdraft_decision" value="false" />

These have changed :white_check_mark:

<boolean name="new_navigation_enabled" value="true" />
<boolean name="instalment_loans_enabled" value="true" />

Feature Flag Changes:

Version: 2.49.0 :tada:


<boolean name="accounting_integrations_enabled" value="false" />
<boolean name="overdraft_calculator_enabled" value="false" />

I’m learning, so there may be some errors!


Keep them coming :grinning:

This looks like it could be good news for business banking.

It makes loads of sense for Monzo to get accounting integrations working early on so people can switch over and maintain their current state of affairs while Monzo work on innovative features.


Feature Flag Changes:

Version: 2.50.0 :tada:


<boolean name="new_decisioning_platform_7k_enabled" value="true" />
<boolean name="bank_transfer_prompt_enabled" value="true" />


<boolean name="compulsory-chat-tagging" value="false" />
<boolean name="self_serve_name_change" value="false" />
<boolean name="merge_payees_enabled" value="true" />

Merge Payees can be turned on via a Monzo Labs toggle!


I wonder if this will give Monzo Plus users the ability to change their own name or if it allows any user to set a “What would you like to be called” name.

My guess is this will be for the name, but the later would be great too!

I just need Monzo Plus so I can test this. :face_with_monocle:

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Given they have recently added the ability to update your own email address, presumably having analysed COps workload to eliminate it where possible, I would not be totally surprised if it was for that

I’ve just updated and looked under the ‘Manage Monzo Plus’ tab and there is nothing there.

I had a quick look through the rest of the app and couldn’t see it. If someone can give an incline as to where it is I’ll check again :slight_smile:

The feature flag is currently set to false, most likely for everybody. It’ll be a slow rollout (or test) and subject to change.

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